
Little to win, everything to lose

Alice Urban


My thoughts in regard to the Measure 1 vote on June 14th. I will be voting a strong “No” and one reason is because of what I have observed with the proposed animal factory or CAFO in the Buffalo area.

I believe that proposal is a reflection on how corporations do business. If that is the case, corporate farming will bring little to North Dakota and take much. Maybe even my future vote. North Dakota residents are more important than animal factories, which bring well documented health risks, pollution and much more. We need to protect our people, animals and environment. I believe the land in North Dakota should be farmed and livestock cared for by individuals who practice sustainable agriculture, not by shareholders from New York City or elsewhere whose interest is a dividend check and a quick buck with little regard to North Dakota residents and our environment.

Please join me on June 14th in sending a strong “No” vote to our representatives.


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