CO2 pipeline is dangerous proposal
Gaylynn Becker, Bismarck
Why would citizens of Bismarck, Burleigh, Emmons and Logan County as well as counties west of the Missouri River want a dangerous supercritical CO2 pipeline running near their communities? Summit Carbons Solutions (SCS) says the pipeline is safe. I agree, it’s safe for those who live out of state like most SCS executives and employees.
The CO2 pipeline that ruptured near Satartia, Mississippi, in February 2020 had people collapsing as far away as 16 miles from the pipeline rupture. This break was caused due to ground movement due to a lot of rain. That pipeline had only 1402 psi. The proposed CO2 pipeline running through North Dakota will have nearly 2200 psi. The mainline block valves in North Dakota will be 20 miles apart (twice the distance of the Satartia, MS, pipeline).
The SCS Pipelines will hold 2.4 times more CO2 than the Satartia, MS, Pipeline that ruptured on a calm evening at 70 degrees air temperature. A rupture in Burleigh County could rupture below 0 degrees temperatures and strong winds making a deadly plume extend for miles that could possibly exceed what happened in Satartia.
Who would benefit from this dangerous pipeline? My guess is primarily wealthy out of state investors and probably even China.
Therefore, if this pipeline must be built (and I believe it shouldn’t be built), I would hope that the closest pipeline to Bismarck would be at least 30 miles from Bismarck!