
9-13 Legal Notices








US Bank National Association,



Angel Dizonno a/k/a Angel E. Dizon-

no a/k/a Angel E. Clarabal a/k/a

Angel Gonzales a/k/a Angel E. Gon-

zales a/k/a Angel E. Gonzalez; Affin-

ity First Federal Credit Union; any

person in possession, Defendants.

1. Judgment in the amount of

$265,544.12, having been entered in

favor of Plaintiff and against Defen-

dants, which Judgment was filed

with the Clerk of Courts of Ward

County, North Dakota, on December

12, 2019, for the foreclosure of a

real estate mortgage.

2. Notice is hereby given pursuant to

said Judgment that the real property

described as:

Lot 12, Block 2, Northern View

Addition to the City of Minot,

Ward County, North Dakota. Real

Property address: 3001 11th

Street NW, Minot, ND 58703

The above real property is the sub-

ject of the Mortgage dated July 18,

2014, which Mortgagor, Angel

Dizonno, executed and delivered to

Town and Country Credit Union, and

recorded in the office of the Clerk

and Recorder of Ward County, North

Dakota, on July 22, 2014, Instru-

ment Number 2975609, which is

subject to the entered Judgment.

Said Mortgage was assigned to

Plaintiff, its successors or assigns,

by Assignment of Mortgage record-

ed July 22, 2014, Instrument

Number 2975610.

3. In order to realize the amount of

$265,544.12, as of December 12,

2019, plus interest accruing

thereafter on said amount at the rate

of 3.75% per year together with the

costs and expenses of sale, the pro-

perty will be sold subject to redemp-

tion as provided by law as one par-

cel of land at public auction, subject

to any lien for unpaid real estate

taxes and assessments of Ward

County, North Dakota, and ease-

ments and restrictions of record, to

the highest bidder for cash under the

direction of the Sheriff of Ward

County, North Dakota, at the main

entrance of the Ward County Court-

house located at 315 SE 3rd Street,

Minot, North Dakota 58701, on Oc-

tober 27, 2021 (“Sale Date”), at

10:00 AM.

4. If the sale is set aside for reason,

the Purchaser at the sale shall be

entitled only to a return of the depo-

sit paid. The purchaser shall have

no further recourse against the Mort-

gagor, the Mortgagee or the

Mortgagee’s attorney.

DATED this 8th day of September,



Robert Roed By: Jamie Williams

Sheriff / Deputy Sheriff of Ward

Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C.

By: Scott S. Skeen

Scott S. Skeen

Attorneys for Plaintiff

376 East 400 South, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Tel: 801-355-2886

Email: scott@hwmlawfirm.com

ND Bar No.: 09334

(September 13-20-27, 2021)

Minutes of the Special Meeting of

the Board of Ward County


August 24, 2021

The special meeting of the Ward

County Commission was called to

order by Chairman Fjeldahl at 10:27

AM with Commissioners, Anderson,

Pietsch, Rostad, and Weppler

present. Also present were depart-

ment heads Dana Larsen, Emily

Burkett, Jason Blowers, Jennifer

Wiechmann, Kerrianne Boetcher,

Kristin Kowalczyk, Marisa Haman,

Melissa Bliss, Noreen Barton, Roza

Larson, and Tammy Terras.

Human Resource Director Tammy

Terras introduced Randy Johnson

from Hayes Group. Mr. Johnson

presented the Commission with

health insurance options for county

employees. The two options the

Commission is considering are


Auditor/Treasurer Marisa Haman ap-

peared and reviewed a spreadsheet

comparing the County’s 2021 budg-

et with the proposed preliminary

2022 County budget. During the dis-

cussion the Commission made the

following changes: reduce State Fair

allotment to $400,000; development

corps to receive the same amount

as 2021, except for Makoti Develop-

ment will receive $10,000; historical

societies will receive same as 2021.

The Commission also decided to

divide the $1.5 million for the High-

way 900 building between two


At 1:14 PM with no further business,

the meeting was adjourned.

(September 13, 2021)

Minutes of the Special Meeting of

the Board of Ward County Com-


August 24, 2021

The special meeting of the Ward

County Commission to discuss case

Pietsch vs. Ward County was called

to order by Chairman Fjeldahl at

9:00 AM with Commissioners,

Anderson, Rostad, and Weppler

present. Also present were depart-

ment heads Marisa Haman and

Roza Larson. Attorney representing

Ward County John Ward from

Zuger, Kirmis and Smith.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Anderson to open an

executive session at 9:04 AM. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Attorney John Ward of Zuger Kirims

and Smith appeared.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Rostad to close the

executive session at 10:15 AM. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Rostad to follow the

recommendation of Attorney Mr.

Ward. Roll call; Weppler, Rostad,

and Anderson voted yes; Fjeldahl

voted no; motion carried.

At 10:22 AM with no further busi-

ness, the meeting was adjourned.

(September 13, 2021)




the airport of Rolla, N.D. are re-

questing information from qualified

and experienced firms for profes-

sional airport engineering services

for design and construction at

federally eligible airports.

All firms requesting the guidelines

for submitting information should

have previous experience with air-

port planning and design under the

FAA Airport Improvement Program.

Each Airport Authority reserves the

right to refuse and reject any or all

responses with no costs incurred to

above sponsors.

Responses are due to the respective

airport sponsors by 5:00 p.m. CT on

Thursday, October 14th, 2021. Re-

quests for information can be direct-

ed to:

North Dakota

Aeronautics Commission

Attn: Nels Lund, P.E.

P.O. Box 5020

Bismarck, ND 58502



(September 13, 2021)


Recent changes in federal law call

for minor adjustments in Supple-

mental Nutrition Assistance Program

(SNAP) income eligibility levels,

shelter expense deductions and the

utility allowances. All open and new

SNAP cases will be automatically

processed with these changes be-

ginning with the October 1, 2021


(September 13, 2021)






Board president Nicole Wald called

meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Members present Jennifer Johns,

Steph Munos (via phone), Sara Van-

natta and Nicole Wald. Also, present

Superintendent Gerding, Principal

Hansen and Business Manager Twi-

la Gantzer.

Minutes: M/S/C Johns/Wald to ap-

prove the minutes from the July 14th

annual meeting. Roll call vote,

Johns-yes; Munos-yes;

Vannatta-abstain; Wald-yes.

Audience: Parent Alona Johnson ad-

dressed the board with the reasons

her children and her family want

their kids to attend Nedrose School.

Devils Fire owner Pan Olson also

presented four checks to the school.

The football program will receive $

5,150; the baseball program will re-

ceive $ 6,000; the volleyball program

will receive $ 5,600 and new equip-

ment for the gym will receive $

10,000. The board thanked Devils

Fire for their support of Surrey

School Athletic Department.

Superintendent: Mr Gerding report-

ed that the school received the

Small Rural School grant in the

amount of $ 18,449. Those funds

will go toward salaries. The consoli-

dated application was presented for

the Title programs. We will receive $

89,196 in Title funding. M/S/C

Johns/Vannatta to approve with

recommended changes. Roll call

vote, all voted yes. Mr Gerding

recommended fees of $75 for adult

and $50 for student athletic passes.

There are 32 home games. The

board would like to see a lower

amount for student passes. M/S/C

Johns/Vannatta to set the adult sea-

son pass at $75 and student pass at

$20. Roll call vote, all voted yes. Bus

#5 was at Westlie Truck for a DOT &

various repairs. There is about

$5,000-$6,000 worth of repairs

needed. Mr Gerding does not think

we should put that much money into

that bus. Nedrose has a bus for sale

and he is working on getting that. Mr

Gerding thanked Ms Johns for

securing the donation for our athletic

programs from Devils Fire. Mr Gerd-

ing also shared that the Big Dog is

donating $8,000 to purchase new

health curriculum. The school

boards convention is set for October

28th & 29th at the Ramkota in


Business Manager’s Report: The

financial reports were presented.

M/S/C Johns/Vannatta to approve

financial reports as presented and

approve payment of July payroll &

benefits in the amount of $

34,120.21; July prepaid check regis-

ter: General Fund-$ 23,170.59; Ac-

tivity Fund-$ 4,150.14; Food-$

164.23. All voted yes. M/S/

Johns/Wald to approve tuition

agreement # 97 Out. Roll call vote:

Johns-yes, Munos-no, Vannatta-no,

Wald-yes. The vote ended in a tie.

Board President Nicole Wald broke

the tie with a yes vote, motion car-

ried. M/S/C Johns/Wald to deny tui-

tion agreement # 98 & # 99 Out. Roll

call vote, all voted yes. M/S/C

Johns/Vannatta to approve tuition

agreement # 100 In. Roll call vote,

all voted yes. M/S/C Johns/Vannatta

to approve tuition agreement # 101

In. Roll call vote, all voted yes.

M/S/C Johns/Vannatta to deny tui-

tion agreement # 102 Out. Roll call

vote, all voted yes. M/S/C

Johns/Wald to approve tuition

agreement # 103 Out. Roll call vote:

Johns-yes, Munos-no, Vannatta-no,

Wald-yes. The vote ended in a tie.

Board President Nicole Wald broke

the tie with a yes vote, motion car-


Principal: Mrs Hansen reported that

we received the Best in Class grant.

This $60,000 grant is for pre-school.

There is a grant available from the

ND Department of Health that would

allow the school to hire a person to

do Covid testing. The testing would

not be mandatory. This is a reim-

bursable grant. The board would like

to table this issue so Mrs Hansen

can gather more information.

Parents are allowed in the building.

Parents are not permitted to have

lunch with their students due to

space and time constraints.

Unfinished Business: Handbook

Changes: The board received the

results of the survey.

Activity Eligibility – M/S/C

Johns/Wald to not approve the pro-

posed change in the policy and

leave it as it currently is written. Roll

call vote, all voted yes.

Absence – M/S/C Johns/Munos to

approve on second reading the pro-

posed change to the policy adding

extended illness & family emergen-

cy. Roll call vote, all voted yes.

Attendance Guidelines – M/S/C

Johns/Vannatta students involved in

school sponsored activities will be

considered excused. Roll call vote,

all voted yes. M/S/C

Johns/Vannatta. to remove

“students failing one class will be al-

lowed to attend practices.” With the

change in the previous policy, this is

no longer an issue. Roll call vote, all

voted yes. M/S/C Johns/Munos to

approve this policy on second read-

ing. Roll call vote, all voted yes.

Bullying – M/S/C Johns/Vannatta to

approve on second reading. Roll call

vote, all voted yes.

Card Playing – M/S/C

Johns/Vannatta to remove this poli-

cy. Roll call vote, all voted yes.

Disruptive Classroom Behavior –

M/S/C Johns/Vannatta to remove

“students receiving a pink slip will be

unable to participate in after school

activities for the day they are re-

moved from class, all classroom

work will be completed on the regu-

lar classroom schedule”. Roll call

vote, all voted yes. M/S/C

Johns/Wald to remove “upon remo-

val students in grades 9-12 will be

required to take semester exams

and also be required to serve two

hours detention with the principal”.

Roll call vote, all voted yes. M/S/C

Johns/Vannatta to approve the poli-

cy for third and fourth removal. Roll

call vote, all voted yes.

Detention – M/S/C Johns/Wald to

approve this policy on second read-

ing. Roll call vote, all voted yes.

Distance Learning – M/S/C

Johns/Vannatta to approve adding

“distance learning (such as during

Covid) is no longer available by fam-

ily preference”. Roll call vote, all vot-

ed yes.

Personal Electronic Devices –

M/S/C Johns/Vannatta to add “class-

room teachers requiring students to

use their phones will be an excep-

tion”. Roll call vote, all voted yes.

Proper Attire – M/S/C

Johns/Vannatta to remove” principal

will keep the clothing”. Roll call vote,

all voted yes.

Medicine – M/S/C Johns/Vannatta to

approve “parents must bring medi-

cation to the office in its original bot-

tle”. Roll call vote, all voted yes.

Semester Test Exemption – M/S/C

Johns/Vannatta to remove this poli-

cy. Roll call vote, all yes.

Unfinished Business: The School Vi-

sion Committee and the Cultural Im-

provement Committee will be tabled

until next month.

New Business: Electronic

Version-Board Policies: Mrs Wald

would like to receive a version of the

board policies electronically. Mr

Gerding said this is possible, it will

take time to get it done. Bussing

to/from daycares: Mr Gerding would

need the number of students and

the names of the daycares. Mrs

Munos is opposed to this idea, she

feels like we’re either going to have

an in-town route or we’re not. Mr

Gerding could begin looking for a

bus driver. Ms Johns would like to

see in town routes during the winter

months with possible set pick

up/drop off locations. Mr Gerding is

willing to look into options/ideas.

Tuition Appeal: the appeal was

dismissed as the parents decided to

take their child to a private school.

The next regular board meeting will

be Wednesday, October 13th at

5:00 pm.

M/S/C Johns/Wald to adjourn.

Twila Gantzer, Business Manager

Nicole Ward, President

(September 13, 2021)






Board president Nicole Wald called

the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.

Members present Jennifer Johns,

Steph Munos, Sara Vannatta and

Nicole Wald. Also, present Superin-

tendent Gerding, Principal Hansen

and Business Manager Twila


A tuition agreement for a student liv-

ing in our school district who is at-

tending a private school to attend a

class at Minot Public Schools. In

order for the student to be admitted

to this class our school district would

have to pay the tuition, the parent

cannot pay the tuition. This is a

Minot Public School policy. M/S/C

Munos/Johns to approve the tuition

agreement. Roll call vote, all voted


M/S/C Munos to adjourn.

Twila Gantzer, Business Manager

Nicole Wald, President

(September 13,2021)



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