
Minot Girls: One Game Away from Solidifying a Magical Season

Kari Gibb/MDN Minot High senior Emerson Perrin (22) in action earlier this season, is focused with her team on the next phase of repeating as NDHSAA Class A state champions

BISMARCK – The Minot High girls soccer team (Majettes) are on the cusp of history and will now need to win one more game to solidify their historical run. The girls traveled to Sanford Sport Complex in Bismarck, N.D. to play the home team, Bismarck Century.

The Majettes came into the game with a 15-0-0 overall and 14-0 Western Dakota Association (WDA) record and were heavy favorites over Century, who had a 5-6-3 record before the game. With a 4-0 victory , Minot High girls remained undefeated and still have not been scored on all season.

The first half was characterized by a few missed opportunities by the Majettes and high defensive energy on the part of both teams. This resulted in the game being scoreless at halftime.

“We just have a resilient group that believes if they get beat the player behind them will pick them up,” said Majettes head coach Matt Pfau. “We can’t control everything but we can control effort. Also [we] need to be able to adjust tactically when needed.”

The Minot girls picked up the pace of things in the second half and were looking more like the team that came in the contest undefeated. Not long after the break, the traveling supporters were flushed to witness the game’s first goal.

In the 56th minute, Emerson Perrin scored the game’s first goal off an assist by teammate Java Mckibben to open up the floodgates for what was to come.

“The girls do a great job of being coachable and are able to adjust on the fly and at halftime when the teams come out in different formations,” said Pfau.

The pair connected again four minutes later in a role reversal of their earlier sequence as McKibben scored the Majettes second goal with an assist from Perrin.

In the matter of seconds the Majettes had put their stamp on the game as Kohlee Roberts joined the festivity, scoring the second goal of the 60th minute off an assist by Maicee Burk, bringing the score to 3-0 Minot High.

The game’s fourth and final goal was scored by Burke. With her 72nd minute strike, she joined Mckibben and Perrin in contributing both a goal and assist to the team effort.

With help from the defense, Minot High goalkeeper Kinslie Gilmore finished the game with one save. Century goalkeeper Ashlyn Hagerott finished the game with 12 saves as a result of the Majettes strong play in the attacking third.

“That’s been the funniest part of coaching this group is how good of a second half team they’ve been,” said Pfau. “They understand the bullseye is on their back and teams are going to change tactics to try to find (a)way to beat us.”

With the win Minot High are now 15-0-0 in WDA play and Century’s record is now 5-7-3.

The Majettes are now one win away from achieving multiple regular season feats. They’ll be looking to finish the regular season unbeaten while shutting out opponents in every single game.

“The shutout streak is just something fun that has happened,” said Pfau. “No emphasis has been put on it. Getting scored on is part of the game.”

The Majettes will be playing conference opponent Williston in their regular season finale at home on Friday, May 24.Then the team will enter the 2024 NDHSAA Girls Soccer State Tournament as the favorite.

“We need to have max effort for the full 80 minutes in the State Tournament,” said Pfau. “[We] need to understand mistakes will happen but need to move on to the next play.”

Having won three straight state championships, the Majettes will be looking to cap off an amazing season by hoisting the trophy for the fourth year in a row.

“State Tournament wise we can only focus on next Thursday. We will play Fargo North,” said Pfau. “All focus will be on them.”


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