
Magicians work magic at end, will face Sabers in final

KARI GIBB/MDN Minot High junior Easton Panesuk (1) stole third base on a wild pitch and looks towards home where Magi junior Kellan Burke (3) watches.

With games going into extra innings, the finals are now set. Minot High will face Bismarck Legacy at 5 p.m. today at Corbett Field for the Western Dakota Association championship.

Minot High 3, Mandan 2

Minot High needed every minute and every play in order to defeat Mandan 3-2 in the semifinal of the WDA baseball tournament. After jumping out to a 1-0 lead at the bottom of the first inning of play, the game continued scoreless until the fifth inning.

Mandan scored one run at the top of the inning while the Magicians added a run at the bottom of the fifth to maintain a 2-1 lead. At the top of the seventh inning, Mandan scored to tie the game at 2-2 and things stayed locked up until the bottom of the ninth inning of play.

With two out at the bottom of the ninth inning, senior Parker Hann hit a triple to start a rally. Senior Branden Nelson was intentionally walked for runners on first and third with two out. Junior Carson Deaver was then walked to load the bases. Senior Adam Roedocker singled a line drive to center field that scored Hann to win the game for Minot High.

As a team, the Magicians were 7-for-29 batting. Nelson was 3-for-4 while Hann was 2-for-4 at the plate with two RBIs. Nelson also pitched six innings and allowed two runs on two hits while Hann pitched three innings and allowed no runs on two hits for the win.

Mandan was 4-for-27 batting in the game.

Bismarck Legacy 7, Williston 6

Legacy looked to have the semifinal game locked up against Williston as they took a 6-1 lead into the top of the seventh inning of play. The game appeared to be over as the Sabers needed just one more out at the top of the seventh inning to close out the game 6-2 for the right to move into the final.

Williston had other ideas.

Five runs later, the Coyotes were tied with the Sabers 6-6 with Legacy needing offense to keep the momentum from carrying the game into extra innings.

Two Williston pitchers and six Legacy batters later and the winning run literally walked off for the win as the final Saber was walked when the bases were loaded, pushing all runners forward and giving Legacy the 7-6 win in the end.

As a team, Legacy was 11-for-27 at the plate. Senior Lucas Vasey was a perfect 3-for-3 batting with three RBIs as well. Sophomore Harrison Johnson was 3-for-4 and junior Drew Bessley was 2-for-4 with three RBIs as well. Gresow pitched six innings and allowed one run on five hits and recorded six strikeouts. Senior Logan Lawrence pitched one-third inning and allowed five runs on five hits with an earned run tally of four runs.

Williston was 10-for-29 batting. Seniors Max Heen and Garrett Solberg were each 2-for-4 in the game while sophomore Justin Irgens was 2-for-3 batting. Senior Nikolas Rustad pitched three and one-third innings and allowed six runs on six hits and walked two batters. Senior Matthew Goodman pitched one-third inning and Heen pitched the next two-third innings of play and allowed one run on four hits. Senior Jayden Iba pitched at the end and walked one batter.

Legacy will play in the final today at Corbett.

Bismarck High 1, Bismarck Century 0

The Bismarck teams played a defensive battle for 13 innings of baseball. Bismarck High scored one run at the top of the final inning of play and held Century in check to claim the win. Century was 5-for-42 at the plate while Bismarck High was 7-for-45 batting with the one run.


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