

Personhood bill comes with legal dangers

Letters to the Editor

Sydney Stock, Fargo A deeply troubling bill, House Bill 1373, has been introduced in the North Dakota legislature. This so-called “Personhood” bill aims to redefine the term “human being” within the state’s criminal code to include fertilized eggs — specifically “upon the fusion ...

Executive orders are abuse of America

Letters to the Editor

Rev. Karen VanFossan, Fargo I know abuse like North Dakotans know a blizzard. Having worked in the family violence field for 30+ years, I believe I can spot abuse from, well, 1100 miles away, the distance between Fargo and Washington D.C. The 47th presidential administration shows ...

NDHSAA needs to support students

Letters to the Editor

Rod Swallers, Granville I am writing in regards to the North Dakota High School Activities Association’s denial of the hardship request for the eligibility of Sage Hanson of TGU High School. Sage had been a student at TGU since he was in kindergarten. On July 31, 2024, Sage was offered an ...

Democrats do have a coherent message

National Columnists

It’s not true as has been reported that Democrats don’t have a “coherent message” and are wallowing in confusion. They DO have a message. Unfortunately for them, it’s the same one that caused the party to lose the White House, the Senate and the House in last November’s election. ...

We need less government spending

National Columnists

The Department of Government Efficiency has started making moves. The D.C. media are furious about his attempts to cut government agencies. But I take Elon Musk’s side. More efficient government has been promised often. It’s never happened. Instead, government just grew. Sen. Rand ...

Appointee brings fiscal responsibility to White House

National Columnists

The fate of President Donald Trump’s ambitious economic policy plans will be determined by the people he appoints to critical positions. With a debt of over $36 trillion (heading toward $59 trillion in 2035 by some estimates), inflation not resolved, an entitlement crisis looming and the need ...