
National Columnists

Can we come together as Americans?

An inch. One inch, and President Donald J. Trump would be dead. One slight turn of the head. One slight turn of the head saved Donald J. Trump’s life. The fact that Donald J. Trump is alive today is a miracle. There is no other way to see it. His assassin had a clear line of sight. He ...

Trump assassination attempt leaves Biden with one option

One can hardly fault Donald Trump for believing divine providence is on his side. He’s had the most impressive lucky streak in living political memory. While his debate performance was exceptional only if graded on a curve. Then the Supreme Court handed down an exceedingly fortuitous ruling ...

Unity requires action by all of us

“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” — Abraham Lincoln In the ...

Journalist completes quest to document evil

The eruption and metastasis of antisemitism emanating from both far left and far right has prompted some to point to the poor and worsening state of Americans’ knowledge about the 20th century’s genocide against the Jews. The ignorance, particularly woeful among younger Americans, is ...

Trump rewrites convention speech to focus on unity

Former President Donald Trump has completely rewritten his convention speech in light of the assassination attempt against him on Saturday and will call on Thursday for a new effort at national unity. In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner a day after being hit by a sniper’s ...

Mentor sent positivity waves into world

A mentor of mine died last night. She’d been sick, with leukemia, and had undergone both a stem cell transplant and chemo, but her cancer had been in remission, and it seemed as if she was traveling rapidly down the road to recovery. She must have had a turn for the worse, though, because ...