
National Columnists

Loneliness epidemic impacts younger, older people

One of the concerning health headlines toward the end of 2023 was the loneliness epidemic that is affecting millions of Americans, causing premature death in many cases. And it’s not just the U.S. that is grappling with so many adults and young people feeling alone and isolated. The World ...

Let’s choose productive public discourse

It’s time. Super Tuesday is over, and America is deep into an election season faced with two very familiar candidates. It’s time to take stock of our collective values and decide how we plan to support those beliefs in our actions. I’m not just talking about how you plan to vote;I’m ...

No winner or loser armistice is endless war

Ukraine has ossified into something like the modern version of the horrific Battle of Verdun, fought 108 years ago on the 1916 Western Front of World War I. That meat grinder cost France and Germany some 700,000 dead and wounded. The nightmare ended 10 months later, after the heroic French ...

Are voters recoiling against disorder?

The headlines coming out of the Super Tuesday primaries have got it right. Barring cataclysmic changes, Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be the Republican and Democratic nominees for president in 2024. With Nikki Haley’s withdrawal, there will be no more significantly contested primaries or ...

Yes, you can get to an early meeting

A national publication ran a curious piece titled, “Is It Ever OK to Have an 8 a.m. Meeting?” It contained two dubious assumptions: (1) That 8 a.m. is very early in the morning, and (2) Employees have a right to rebel against a company policy that interferes with drop-off time for kids at ...

America must borrow $1.75 to buy coffee

Oh America, when you go to buy that $6.20 morning coffee you will need to “borrow” $1.75 to pay for it. Thank God you have an unlimited credit card. But your credit card balance is now an eye popping $34 trillion, the U.S. national debt. America, this is troubling. President Joe Biden ...