
National Columnists

First debate could change course of presidential contest

Having completed the first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign cycle, it’s tempting to focus on minor but perhaps momentarily decisive details, such as whether Ron DeSantis was wise to outsource strategy to a committee that he’s legally barred from communicating with or whether it was ...

Where has our climate cash gone if not into preventing wildfires?

Wildfires are front and center in the Western world this summer, from Hawaii to Canada and around Europe. Our leaders are telling us that it’s because of climate change. What have they been spending our cash on if they claim that wildfires are getting worse despite our ...

Positions being taken that fuel global warming

Republican politicians are taking their lead on energy policy from Emperor Nero who, according to legend, fiddled while Rome burned. No, wait, it’s worse than that. While some GOP legislators and presidential candidates are just fiddling a la Nero, others are actually fanning the ...

Questions I would ask the GOP candidates

Wednesday night’s GOP primary debate in Milwaukee for the Republican candidates for the presidency will be more a Q&A session than a classic debate, but that’s OK. Viewers will have a chance to take the measure of the men - and woman - who wish to become president. Each candidate ...

Why has Biden declared war on natural gas?

Natural gas is the world’s wonder fuel: cheap, abundant, made in America, reliable AND clean burning. So why are the Biden administration and environmental groups against it? There’s really no good answer. What makes the Left’s war against natural gas inexplicable is that the single ...

Loyal Afghan allies wait for safety they deserve

"America,” wrote novelist Thomas Wolfe, “is a fabulous country, the only fabulous country; it is the only place where miracles not only happen, but where they happen all the time.” We’re having more than our share of trouble doing the fundamentally right things, let alone achieving ...