
Local Columnists

Homeland group wants destination status

"This here emergency meeting of the Homeland Security Committee will come to order,” Chairman Ork Dorken demanded as he pounded an old Coke bottle on his table – a makeshift hallow core door. The raucous crowd of 12 electors quickly seated themselves under the biggest community hall ...

History says bigotry is institutionalized

CRT (Critical Race Theory) is the latest acronym to be added to the American vocabulary by state legislatures that lack the courage to admit the streak of bigotry that permeates the phrase. The North Dakota legislature has fallen in line and teachers are not allowed to talk freely about ...

The power of pixie sticks

The Fourth of July came and went, and fortunately we all were spared a sunburn on what proved to be cloudy and windswept. While the lake goers fled to their favorite body of water, we found ourselves moseying across the bridge on Burdick for the first annual Minot Shrine Club parade. I grew ...

Can God Bless America?

e have just passed the greatest annual event in civil religion when we all – even some atheists – joined the chorus “God Bless America” to honor the United States, believing somehow that God is still dealing with countries even though the New Testament made faith a personal rather than ...

Should we worry about nuclear bomb?

The transfer of nuclear weapons from Russia to Belarus has stirred comment about the possibility of a nuclear war. Since invading the Ukraine, Putin has said repeatedly that Russia would use nuclear weapons if it became necessary. NATO said that it did not see any need to adjust its ...

This is not a column

I knew going in that my initial draft for this column was going to be a tough sell. I had already hoed this row more than once in the last year and had rewritten the thing four or five times after my wife read through a draft and commented that I “went a little hard in the paint.” So, I ...