
Out of sight, out of mind

Ron Schmidt


Last week there was an unprecedented leak of a SCOTUS decision.

The majority of the court are going to issue a decision that overturns Roe v. Wade. Now the majority of the American public supports Roe v. Wade.

I have a suggestion that the American public doesn’t have the courage to face. Guts, if you will.

In the foreseeable future have a televised performance of an abortion at the stage of 20 weeks. “Sixty Minutes” would be suitable. Anonymity granted through impossible to guarantee. If it’s OK, why is one needed?

A little squeamish, are we? How about executions? Do things in an antiseptic environment. The wonders of technology. And follow the money.

Do I totally oppose abortion? Absolutely not. Rape, incest, to actually save the life of the “Birthing Person,” mother and the “Accidents” that occur.

I’m opposed to executions, not because it offends my sensitivities. Let me pull the switch or spring the trap. Problem being innocents do get convicted.

P.S. I am an atheist.


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