
Breathtaking failure or the intended deconstruction of America?

Andrew Allis


This administration, in just 9 short months, has so weakened and debased this country in every venue possible that in evaluating what has taken place in this short time, we appear to be looking at a binary choice between this being either the most incompetent government ever to plague this nation, or its actions (and inactions) being premeditated and calculated to deconstruct America. I would like to propose a third hypothesis, namely that they are both.

For example, the Biden’s deliberate inaction in not protecting our southern border is calculated. This present socialist Democrat Party cannot sell their far left Marxist agenda to the majority of current American voters. The solution? Obliterate our Southern boarder and replace these voters with a new constituency of illegal immigrants, those who they are helping to break federal laws in coming here. By then granting them citizenship, they are effectively and permanently changing the demographics of this country by importing a new poor and dependent Democrat voting block who will keep them in power at the expense of the American taxpayers. For instance, the Democrats’ proposed 3.5 trillion social-engineering bill (on top the trillions this fiscally reckless administration has already spent) includes “free” community college for illegals. Of course, since nothing is free, the Democrats are attempting to get already economically stressed hardworking middle class Americans to pay for the college tuition of illegals who came here in violation of, and disrespect for, our laws.

We can put the runaway inflation, which has resulted from all this spending and the diluting of the currency by having the Federal Reserve ramp up the printing of paper money at an alarming rate, under the intentional category, since this is part and parcel of this Party’s “big government as god” ideology. The inflation rate, the most hidden and cruel of taxes on those already struggling, is currently at 6% the highest in 13 years resulting in an extra $175 per month increase (and growing) in expenses for the average American family.

Also intentional is the unprecedented and outrageous weaponization of the of the FBI by Merrick Garland at the Dept. of Justice to go after parents showing up at School Board Meetings concerned with the unscientific and unnecessary masking of their children, as well as, their indoctrination into Anti-American revisionist US history along with the racist teaching of CRT (Critical Race Theory) which divisively separates students, and people in general, by skin color. The double standard of labeling caring and involved parents, who pay the salaries of their public school teachers, as “domestic terrorists” while Antifa and BLM (who rioted, burned, and looted major cities for days on end) remain absent from the terrorist watch list, gives credence to the satirical adage that if the Left didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all. Equally intentional is the intrusion of the Federal government into the most intimate of decisions involving one’s own personal health in the mandating of vaccines, for if the government can penetration of your own body against your better judgment, what can’t they do to you? They then own you. Whatever happened to this party’s mantra of, “my body, my choice?”

In the column of unintentional incompetence and failure we can put the chaotic disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, arguably the greatest military blunder in our nation’s history, showing both our own troops and allies we are untrustworthy, and amply demonstrating to our enemies we are not to be feared, while emboldening terrorists all over the world. All this took place even though Biden, as Commander and Chief, was warned by our military leaders of the imminent collapse of the Afghan military if we pulled out all our troops and didn’t keep at least 2,500 there, as they testified to in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee. We can also tack the current supply-chain disaster, which is emptying our store shelves producing images reminiscent of the former Soviet Union, under the incompetence/failure rubric.

Whether one concludes the Biden administration’s denigration of our country is an intentional well planned and executed systematic Marxist deconstruction of the United States for the purpose of building of a new America in keeping with a socialist utopian vision (which everywhere it’s ever been employed on the face of the globe has resulted in dystopia), or just the gross incompetence of Leftist ideologues who can only tear down, but finally never build or produce anything once in possession of the levers of power, this administration in 9 months has birthed nothing constructive, but rather the real and frightening beginnings of the deconstruction (i.e. destruction) of the greatest country on the face of the earth, one that took 245 years to build.


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