Surrender Church to launch Thursday services
On Thursday, Jan, 9, Surrender Church is launching with its first official Worship Surrender Church Services in Minot, providing working families with busy Sunday schedules an authentic church and worship service during the week.
“Our mission is to build up and equip a community of believers to live wholeheartedly as disciples of Christ, demonstrating God’s character in the way we love one another with a willingness to go, speak and demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus,” said Josh White, pastor at Surrender Church, in a news release.
Surrender Church started as a ministry, serving in churches throughout rural North Dakota. According to the release, “SubMission Ministry, a ministry of Surrender Church, wholeheartedly believes in and tries to live out the Great Commission of Mathew 28:19. The church should be a place to build up and pour into believers so that they can go and make disciples in their neighborhoods, in their workplaces, within their family and friend groups and by going out to rural North Dakota and supporting the mission work there.”
“Our vision at Surrender Church and Submission Ministry is to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission,” said Josh Burlison, director of Submission Ministry.
Surrender Church services will be held on Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the Bible Fellowship Building at 1720 4th Ave. NW.