
Dakota Nights astronomy festival set

MEDORA – Dakota Nights astronomy festival is planned for Theodore Roosevelt National Park from Friday, Aug. 30-Sunday, Sept. 1.

The event is for astronomy enthusiasts, families and others.

Event highlights include:

– Stargazing sessions that will explore the wonders of the night sky with telescopes provided by local astronomers to witness planets, nebulae and galaxies up close.

– Expert guest speakers who will engage with the public to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos through talks and presentations.

– Workshops and activities, from the Night Explorer Junior Ranger program to hands-on activities for all ages, will offer something for everyone.

– Stargazing the Sun will allow participants to discover the intricate details of the Sun’s surface, witness mesmerizing solar flares and learn about the science behind the solar system’s powerhouse.

The event is made possible with assistance from the Theodore Roosevelt Nature and History Association.

For more information contact Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Medora.


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