
Trinity makes use of COVID-19 supplies of PPE

While many hospitals across the nation have found themselves overstocked with personal protective equipment since the COVID-19 pandemic, Trinity Health in Minot reports it is making use of its supply.

The United States was unprepared for the start of the coronavirus pandemic, which caused hospitals across the nation to over-purchase personal protective equipment (PPE) to accommodate for the massive waves of COVID-19 patients. The World Health Organization declared the end of the pandemic on May 5, 2023, but in the pandemic’s wake were troves of soon-to-expire stockpiles of PPE. Hospitals across the nation have been ditching the gear that cost millions to purchase during lockdown.

Trinity Hospital currently is using stock purchased during the pandemic, according to supply chain management and infection prevention and control personnel. The organization has always ordered bulk amounts of masks and gowns prior to flu season on a regular basis in anticipation of the increased need for masking.

The purchase of PPE has been reduced to accommodate the amount purchased during the pandemic, and all PPE purchased during that time is projected to be used within the next year, prior to expiration dates, Trinity stated.

Trinity Hospital has six types of isolation for different illnesses, including COVID-19, which requires the use of gowns, gloves, masks and eye protection.

The Center for Disease Control updated and simplified its COVID-19 recommendations this past March. The recommendations include prevention strategies such as staying up to date with vaccinations, practicing good hygiene and taking steps for cleaner air by bringing in more fresh outside air, purifying indoor air and gathering outdoors.


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