
Stanley man turns himself in, charged with murder

Malcolm Mayors

STANLEY – A Stanley man has been charged with Class AA felony murder after turning himself in and reporting a deadly shooting to authorities in Stanley Friday morning.

Malcolm Mayors, 32, Stanley, reportedly arrived at the bond lobby of the Mountrail County Correctional Center shortly after midnight on Friday and told the responding officer he thought he had killed his friend.

According to court documents, Mayors was advised of his Miranda rights before he told the officer he had eaten some “shrooms” around 6 or 7 p.m. Thursday, but had difficulty getting back to reality. Mayors allegedly told the officer he wasn’t sure what happened, but he had shot his friend with a .40-caliber pistol.

Mayors was detained while Stanley Police and Mountrail County Sheriff’s deputies investigated his residence, where a deceased male and a spent bullet casing were found.

According to the affidavit, the victim was shot twice.The victim in the case has not yet been identified.

After being arrested Mayors was interviewed again and medically cleared.

According to court documents, Mayors reiterated he had consumed psychedelic mushrooms before he called his friend to come over for a few beers and to play virtual reality games. He told investigators he couldn’t get back to reality and he shot the victim but didn’t know if it was real or fake. Mayors then left the residence to get help after he couldn’t locate his phone.

Mayors is being held in the Mountrail County Correctional Center and made his initial appearance in North Central District Court Friday afternoon, where Judge Gary Lee set his bail at $1 million in cash or corporate surety. Mayors’ preliminary hearing has been scheduled for July 3.


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