
Our Redeemer’s Christian School’s valedictorians ready for new chapter

Submitted Photo From left to right, Samara Knutson, Elsa Olson, Triniti Gregg and Leah Lindquist are valedictorians at Our Redeemer’s Christian School in Minot.

Our Redeemer’s Christian School in Minot will celebrate the Class of 2024 at its graduation on Sunday at 2 p.m. at the school.

During the ceremony four students, Samara Knutson, Elsa Olson, Triniti Gregg and Leah Lindquist, will be honored as valedictorians.

All four students were part of many different activities during their four years at Our Redeemer’s Christian School and say they are grateful for their experiences and eager to begin this new chapter of life.

“High school went by a lot faster than I could have ever imagined and it’s honestly kind of a blur, but I do have some fond memories from the past four years,” Knutson said. “I was a part of the speech club up until this year and it seemed like every other Saturday I had a meet, which meant getting up at 6 a.m. or earlier. I did a one-act play and ended up performing in front of the school. I’ve been a part of more choir concerts than I can remember, and the past two years I finally started working. My favorite memories, though, have been the school dances. I’m going to miss getting together with friends for those parties.”

After graduation Knutson plans to attend the University of North Dakota to follow the pre-med track and will be majoring in biology and minoring in psychology.

Knutson’s peer Elsa Olson agrees the memories made at ORCS will last a lifetime.

“My high school experience has been filled with memories that will last a lifetime. Especially this year, going on a trip to Washington, D.C., Gettysburg and New York City was something that I am so thankful I got to experience,” Olson said. “Going to ORCS has given me so many opportunities that I wouldn’t have had if I went to a public school. I am forever grateful to my family for the sacrifices they have made to send me here.”

Olson plans to stay close to home and attend Minot State University to pursue a career in radiologic technology.

The third valedictorian, Triniti Gregg, expresses the same gratitude as her classmate Olson and knows her experience at ORCS has led her to the success she has today.

“I have been fortunate enough to call Our Redeemer’s both my school home and church home for all of my life, and I cannot express the amount of gratitude I have for the education I have received,” Gregg said. “I am very thankful for the level of academic excellence that I have been able to achieve because of the high standards my teachers have for all of their students. However, I am most thankful for the care the faculty and staff have for each and every student. I am equally grateful for my classmates. We are a small class with only 14 students, but that is precisely why we are so close. Whether we spend time with each other outside of school or not, we all consider each other family.”

This fall Gregg will be attending Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, where she will be double majoring in journalism and criminal justice (pre-law).

“I want to help others as I have been so blessed in my life. Graduating from high school is bittersweet to say the least. I am thrilled for the future but sad I have to leave my childhood behind. Luckily, I know that Our Redeemer’s will never truly leave me. It will always have a special place in my heart,” she said.

The fourth valedictorian, Leah Lindquist, knows her time at ORCS solidified her beliefs and values and inspired her to pursue a Christ-driven career.

“My experience at Our Redeemer’s Christian School has been fantastic. I have loved being a part of a small Christian community where the school has reinforced my values and beliefs,” Lindquist said. “My teachers have been more than just teachers – they have been mentors as well and have helped prepare me for college as well as life. One of my best high school memories has been being a part of the ORCS volleyball team. My teammates and coaches have been like a family to me and playing with them was definitely a highlight of my high school experience.”

In the fall Lindquist will be attending Bryan College in Dayton, Tennessee. There, she will be a part of the volleyball team while studying psychology. Her plan is to become a Christian counselor.

Members of the ORCS graduating class are:

Leah Conway

Jamila Dias

Isabel Engelhard

Allison Francis

Triniti Gregg

Boston Klingbeil

Samara Knutson

Leah Lindquist

Elsa Olson

Marques Overby

Genna Rascoe

Chukwuka Ugobi

Maya Vibeto

Reagan Williamson


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