
Blood drive comes to end, Team Law comes out on top

Ciara Parizek/MDN Minot Police Cadets, from left, Hannah Witmer, Mariah Witmer, Jacob Greathouse, Cole Whitcher and Ian Sheetz stand for a group photo with the board showing the victory of Team Law in the Battle of the Badges blood drive at The Grand.

Team Law has defeated Team Fire in the Battle of the Badges blood drive once again, held this year at The Grand by Vitalant from May 20-23.

By 6 p.m. on Thursday, Team Law held the lead with 143 donations and Team Fire fell behind with 118 donations.

Everyone who donated during those four days received a Battle of the Badges T-shirt and a Team Law or Team Fire sticker, based on the team campaign their blood donation went to support.

Minot Police Cadets manned the table at the entrance to the Grand Ballroom, taking identification, handing out shirts, ensuring donors read the proper paperwork before donating and keeping check-ins smooth.

Tables with snacks, juice and water sat in various areas of the room, available for donors to choose from after donating. It is recommended to eat something and drink water or juice after donating blood to avoid nausea, vomiting and fainting.

Ciara Parizek/MDN Heather Leier, left, of Vitalant, and Minot Police Department Senior Officer Carrie Petersen, right, stand with the traveling trophy that went to Team Law once again in the Battle of the Badges blood drive at The Grand.

Minot Police Department Senior Officer Carrie Petersen and her family attended the blood drive. She was there to advocate for Team Law and help out where she was needed while talking to donors.

She, her husband, Matt Petersen, and their son, James Getzlaff, donated blood. Their two daughters, Emily and Melanie Stanfield, were there after school for moral support, as well.

Carrie Petersen said this year’s numbers for donations were lower than during the two previous years in which she has overseen the blood drive event, but there were still 261 blood donations.


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