
Children’s Library ready after remodel

Features added for reading, play

Charles Crane/MDN The Children’s Library at the Minot Public Library is open to the public after being closed in August for a remodel.

After several months of being closed for renovations, the Children’s Library at the Minot Public Library was reopened to the public on Sunday.

The Children’s Library has been closed since August for the remodel, which Children’s Librarian Randi Monley said is mostly completed except for some work that remains on the main entrance. The Children’s Library can now be accessed through the library’s southwest entrance while the work is wrapped up.

The remodel brought with it new carpet and paint on the walls but also updates to the columns to make them resemble trees. New features to the remodel include a stage, a dedicated play area and a few reading nooks. Though the library has been reopened, Monley indicated regular programming would not resume until January to give staff a chance to acclimate.

A grand reopening party for the Children’s Library will be held Jan. 13 from 1-3 p.m, which will coincide with the return of programming and other events.

“We’re going to have, hopefully, a ribbon cutting, a little bit a dance party and some storytime,” Monley said.

Monley said the project was half paid through grants and donations, with the rest of the funds coming from the library’s building and grounds budget.


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