
SWC approves funds for area projects

GRAND FORKS – The North Dakota State Water Commission on Thursday approved $8 million in cost-share requests, with the largest including $4 million for water supply capacity improvements for Greater Ramsey Water District and $2.3 million for water supply distribution improvements in New Town.

The Greater Ramsey Water District approval will support construction costs associated with its North System Capacity Improvements. This project involves water treatment plant improvements, a new well, a pump station, a 500,000-gallon underground storage reservoir and 11.9 miles of transmission pipeline. The project is located in Ramsey and Benson counties.

The New Town approval will support the community’s Water Supply Improvements-Phase 1 effort. This project will include replacing about 20 blocks of aging water main, hydrants, gate valves, water services and curb stops.

Before the meeting, the SWC attended the Grand Forks Water Treatment Plant’s ceremonial ribbon cutting and toured the facility. The state cost-shared about half of the $150 million facility.


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