
Anti-trans bills in ND give way to ‘government overreach’ messaging

Submitted Photo The Human Rights Campaign says, so far in 2023, it has tracked more than 460 anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced in statehouses across the country. More than 190 aim to specifically restrict the rights of transgender people. (Adobe Stock Photo)

In the coming days, North Dakota’s governor will decide whether to sign several bills targeting transgender individuals.

LGBTQ advocates say no matter what happens, they will double down on efforts to educate the public about potential harm. The Legislature has sent the governor measures to ban gender-affirming care for transgender youth, “drag” shows in public places, and more. Similar bills have surfaced in other Republican-led states.

Barry Nelson, executive director of the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition, said GOP lawmakers here are being swayed by out-of-state groups, ignoring the perspectives of constituents.

“I don’t believe the average North Dakotan believes in government overreach and targeting vulnerable individuals,” Nelson argued.

Nelson would not rule out legal challenges if some bills become law. But he added they will strongly focus on engaging with people around the state about how the efforts lead to mental and physical harm, particularly to transgender youth.

The governor did veto a recent bill dealing with the use of pronouns, but his position is unclear on the bills just sent to his desk.

Another bill clearing the Legislature would remove transgender individuals from state data collection.

Nelson stressed it is concerning, given gender identity is now part of the state’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and proposals like these could derail key research.

“It provides rich data as far as how those who are nonbinary and transgender are dealing with mental health and other behavioral issues in school,” Nelson explained.

Supporters of such bills claim they want to prevent “inappropriate” topics in schools while protecting children from medical care they might regret. But health professionals countered gender-affirming care is vital for the well-being of some young people, and the process involves parental input.

Nelson added physicians, along with members of the faith community, look to be emerging allies in their fight against these legislative efforts.


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