The Tracks development to include public plaza
EPIC Companies proposes project for southwest Minot

Submitted Photo A rendering by EAPC shows EPIC Companies’ proposed development, The Tracks.
EPIC Companies, West Fargo, has formally announced plans to construct a mixed-use development with public plazas for community programming in southwest Minot, near the Trinity hospital complex under construction.
The development includes seven mixed-use buildings with both commercial and residential space and an outdoor, artificial ice hockey rink, green space, a water feature, walking paths, small stage, underground parking for tenants and space for programmable community activities.
The rentable public plazas will be run by a nonprofit entity. The space potentially could host hundreds of free community events each year, such as movie nights, ice skating, yoga classes or family fun nights.
The development will be similar to The Lights in West Fargo and The Beacon in Grand Forks, both EPIC projects.
“The Tracks will be a tremendous asset to the community and build upon the premise of the live, work and play mentality of the Magic City. We are proud to have a partner in EPIC Companies to see this next phase of Minot take shape,” Minot Mayor Shaun Sipma said in a news release.

Submitted Photo A public plaza shown in this EAPC rendering is one of two planned for The Tracks that will offer programmable space for the community.
The Tracks plays off a railroad and oil industry theme, which is well-known to Minot. With rustic touches, the design will incorporate western inspirations, including the show “Yellowstone,” artifacts of Pendleton blankets and other timeless classics.
The development will also feature these same aesthetics in its architecture, such as lanterns/railroad crossing signals for lighting, warm/auburn colors, railroad ties and more. Although the development is still a work in progress, EPIC Companies states the project will pay tribute to North Dakota’s heritage.
The Tracks will be developed in phases. Phase I construction kicks off in the spring of 2022 with the first two buildings. Building one will be named “Maverick” and building two will be named “Roughrider” to pay homage to the theme. Phase II will follow with the next two buildings and the public plaza spaces. Phase III will include the next set of buildings, parking structure and the remaining part of the public plaza. The plan is for the entire development to be completed in 2026.
The planned architects of record for the first two buildings are EAPC and Ackerman Estvold, with the construction being completed by Construction by EPIC. EPIC Management will be managing the commercial spaces and residential units.
EPIC is taking an underutilized space in town and creating it into a destination for families, youth, and adults, the company stated. The future of development heads towards action and entertainment in providing a better quality of life for the community, according to EPIC.
“The future is mixed-use in order to maximize space and create valuable properties. Governor Burgum’s Main Street initiative pushes for mixed-use properties and walkable districts. We look forward to building relationships and developing The Tracks into a community space for all to enjoy,” said McKenzy Braaten, vice president of Marketing & Public Relations at EPIC Companies. “Many of the EPIC team have roots tying back to the Minot area and want to help promote great entertainment and events in the area.”
The Tracks plans to have several bars and restaurants with charitable gaming that will be interactive and cater to the public space. EPIC looks to work with multiple commercial, retail and customer service businesses to complement this development in what is expected to be a vibrant and active area in town with a potential for continuous growth.
“We are excited to bring this project to the western part of the state and continue our investment into the community of Minot. The Tracks is set to be our largest project and more amped up than our previous entertainment developments. It’s great to be such a large part of the 58701,” said Braaten.
Other Minot projects that EPIC has developed or been a part of include Beaver Ridge, Park South I & II and Blu on Broadway, which opened Oct. 1.