
Naliyah Bolden, Minot, receives deferred sentence for abandoning dog in filthy apartment with no food, water

Naliyah Elizabeth Bolden, 19, Minot, received a deferred imposition of sentence for one year on Jan. 27 for abandoning a dog in unsanitary conditions without food or water in an apartment after she was evicted last September.

The dog is a 1-year-old pitbull-boxer crossbreed and pitbull crosses are not allowed within the city limits. According to the probable cause affidavit filed with the court, the dog had been left in a kennel that was lined with feces and urine. He did not have access to food or water. He acted scared when the animal control officer rescued him on Sept. 17. Bolden told police that she had left the dog behind because she was not allowed to have a dog in her new residence and she knew the dog was a pitbull cross. She also told police that the dog had never been vaccinated or seen by a veterinarian.

Judge Stacy Louser ordered Bolden to pay $715 in restitution and $1,125 in court costs. Louser also ordered Bolden not to own or care for any animal and ordered that any animal in her care be surrendered to a no-kill animal shelter. If Bolden complies with all conditions, the A misdemeanor animal neglect charge will be dismissed.


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