
Dakota College at Bottineau to offer distance learning option for students after Thanksgiving

Dakota College at Bottineau will provide students with an option to learn remotely after the Thanksgiving break through the end of the semester, according to information provided by the college.

The decision was made due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in the area and the likelihood that there will be further spread over the Thanksgiving holiday. Canadian students at the college who went home for the Thanksgiving break would have to self-quarantine for two weeks upon returning to Bottineau, according to the college.

Several other North Dakota University System campuses are allowing similar options for their students.

Dakota College students will also continue to provide face-to-face classes and all offices and services on campus will remain open.

“I know we all wish we could “get back to normal,” but our ability to adjust to changing circumstances is the best tool we have to get through this,” said campus dean Jerry Migler.


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