
ND Democrats chose Sanders

Large turnout favors Sanders over Biden

AP Photo Voters wait in line for the North Dakota Democratic presidential caucus in a union hall in Fargo on Tuesday.

Sen. Bernie Sanders won North Dakota’s Democratic presidential primary Tuesday, leading in nine of 14 firehouse caucus locations, including in Minot.

Sanders captured the state with 53% of the vote. Joe Biden came in second with 39.5% of the total. Democrats cast 7,682 votes for Sanders and 5,742 for Biden. The next highest vote-getter of the 12 candidates was Elizabeth Warren with 366 votes.

Based on results, Sanders would receive eight pledged delegates and Biden six.

Democrats described their Tuesday turnout as “incredibly high” at 14,546 voters.

“Congratulations to Sen. Sanders and his supporters for their victory and the hard work they did to win North Dakota. Thank you to all the volunteers who made it possible for so many people to make their voices heard. It’s exciting to see so many people engaged for such an important election,” Party Chair Kylie Oversen said in a prepared statement.

In Minot, 999 Democrats participated, and 523 or 52.4% supported Sanders. Another 441 or 44% supported Biden. Election workers in Minot made adjustments that cut wait times in long voter lines from about 40 minutes to 10 to 15 minutes in some cases, despite heavy turnout after people got off work between 5 and 7 p.m.

The heaviest turnout by far was in Fargo, where 4,123 people cast ballots. The big turnout prompted the Democratic Party to put out an urgent call for volunteers to add staff in Fargo and led to the Fargo and Grand Forks sites being held open an extra hour to accommodate voters, according to the Associated Press. Five propane heaters were set up to keep people warm in the 31-degree weather in Fargo, and volunteers served coffee. Meanwhile, one man set up speakers on a picnic table to blast rock music.

Rick Gion, a Fargo volunteer, spent much of his time helping handicapped people, families with babies and other people who may not have dressed for the occasion get moved inside, the Associated Press reported.

“People are so excited about getting President Trump out of office,” Gion said. “The lines are long and people are being so patient.”

Fargo’s results favored Sanders over Biden, 2,682 to 1,376. Sanders also was the top candidate among voters in Grand Forks, where 1,856 people turned out to cast 1,033 ballots for Sanders and 766 for Biden. The 2,336 voters in Bismarck narrowly favored Biden, 1,136 to 1,126.

Sanders won North Dakota four years ago, defeating Hillary Clinton in the traditional Democratic caucus format, the Associated Press reported. Just 3,400 people took part in the 2016 caucuses.

This year, Sanders was the preferred candidate in Fargo, Grand Forks, Minot, Williston, Dickinson, Belcourt, Cannonball, New Town and Fort Totten. Biden was favored in Bismarck, Jamestown, Devils Lake, Valley City and Wahpeton.

In Williston, 319 Democrats voted, and 158 favored Sanders while 139 chose Biden. In New Town, 273 ballots were largely split between Sanders, 164, and Biden, 94.

The primary featured a mail-in ballot option. There were 2,215 mail-in ballots counted as of Wednesday. Sanders led Biden 878-580, but there were larger numbers of votes for candidates who pulled out of the race by the time of the firehouse caucuses. At the top were Warren, 283, and Amy Klobuchar, 212.


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