
Cemetery near Ross listed on National Register

BISMARCK- The Assyrian Muslim Cemetery near Ross has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

The National Register of Historic Places is the federal government’s list of properties it considers worthy of preservation and recognition. North Dakota nominations are coordinated by the State Historical Society of North Dakota.

The Assyrian Muslim Cemetery is the site of the first mosque in the nation and was the only Muslim cemetery in North Dakota for 90 years. The Syrian settlers in this area began arriving in 1902 and came with the same dreams for living better lives that most homesteaders shared. Upon arrival, they experienced the same hardships, conditions and similar successes as other settlers. The cemetery is significant as it is the only place remaining in the area that distinctly testifies to the culture of this particular group of people.

Contrary to some misconceptions about the National Register program, listing in it does not prevent owners from altering their property, restrict the use or sale of the property or require establishing times that the property must be open to the public. Entry into the National Register of Historic Places does give a property prestige, provides protection from adverse effects in federally assisted projects and provides eligibility for certain preservation financial incentives.

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