
Tea party tradition

Members of society’s sophisticated set gathered for a formal tea party in Minot yesterday. Local topics of interest were discussed and the latest fashion trends politely debated. Proper manners were the order of the day.

Escuela pre-school held its annual tea party for several classes of at Cornerstone Presbyterian Church. Attendance was grand, as grandparents were the invited guests of four-year-old students at mid-morning.

The rather formal affair began with the selection of hats suitable for the event. The hats were chosen from a large display atop a table at the side of the room. Following the guests and students outfitting themselves with attire proper for the occasion, special instructions on tea party etiquette lessons were delivered by a sophisticated member of society who was quite knowledgeable in such matters.

“We just have fun and get to be silly again, really spontaneous,” said Paula Simonson, Minot, tea party instructor. “We visit and chat and get to be together.”

Silliness aside, proper manners were shown throughout the event and appropriate compliments were abundant and delivered with absolute sincerity. Among those attending local society’s “event of the year” were Tim and Deanna Haider of Minot. Their granddaughter, Jaelyn Henderson, was the reason behind their appearance.

“I just enjoy being with my granddaughter. I love it. This is my third one,” said Deanna Haider.

Escuela students won over the gathering with their formal attention to all matters of importance and particularly with their exquisite presentation of “Jumping’ Joe,” a dance that proved to be the hit of the party and certain to be talked about in formal circles throughout the region for weeks to come.

Many of the guests at Tuesday’s affair willingly traveled long distances to participate, grateful to be included on the list of distinguished invitees.

“They come from all over,” explained Simians. “They drive across the state for a 15 minute tea party. I understand that. I’m a grandmother too.”


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