
Minot Municipal Court

Aug. 7

Leequan Isaiah Ashford, 28, Minot, petty theft (to $500) (Class B misdemeanor), deferred imposition of sentence, four hour shoplifting class, $95 in restitution, $25 in court fines and fees.

Jennifer L. Berentson, 43, Minot, disorderly conduct (Class B misdemeanor), chemical dependency evaluation and four hour anger management class, $25 in court fines and fees.

Travon R’kell Carter, 25, Minot, DUI/APC – first offense (Class B misdemeanor), chemical dependency evaluation and victim impact panel, $525 in court fines and fees.

Austin Hogan, 41, McAlester, Okla., DUI/APC – first offense (Class B misdemeanor), chemical dependency evaluation and victim impact panel, $775 in court fines and fees.

Kalib Andrew Kliniske, 35, Minot, dogs at large (Class B misdemeanor), deferred imposition of sentence, dogs are to be in an enclosed fence if not leashed or otherwise under owner control, $50 in court fines and fees.


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