North Central District Court Dec. 31-Jan. 3
Ward County
Dec. 31
Christopher M. Labelle, 19, Minot Air Force Base, Game and Fish-order/proclamation violation-misdemeanor (Class B misdemeanor), $350 in court fines and fees.
Josephine Azera Main, 27, Poplar, Mont., unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-use-SI, SII, SIII (Class A misdemeanor), one day in Ward County Jail, credit for one day served, chemical dependency evaluation, $425 in court fines and fees; possession of controlled substance-methamphetamine (Class A misdemeanor), one day in Ward County Jail, credit for one day served, chemical dependency evaluation, $100 in court fines and fees; possession of controlled substance-fentanyl (Class A misdemeanor), one day in Ward County Jail, credit for one day served, chemical dependency evaluation, $100 in court fines and fees.
Tristen Allen Olson, 25, Culbertson, Mont., unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-use SI, SII, SIII (Class A misdemeanor), one day in the Ward County Jail, credit for one day served, chemical dependency evaluation, $425 in court fines and fees; possession of controlled substance-methamphetamine (Class A misdemeanor), one day in Ward County Jail, credit for one day served, chemical dependency evaluation, possession of controlled substance-fentanyl (Class A misdemeanor), one day in Ward County Jail, credit for one day served, chemical dependency evaluation, $100 in court fines and fees.
Casey Michael Schmidt, 35, Des Lacs, two counts of theft of property (Class C felony), deemed a misdemeanor, 360 days in Ward County Jail, first serve 14 days, credit for 14 days, 18 months of supervised probation, $1,537.25 in restitution, $525 in court fines and fees.
Damie Jean Wilson, 46, Aitkin, Minn., fleeing a peace officer-vehicle-risk of death or serious bodily injury (Class C felony), 360 days in Ward County Jail, first serve two days, credit for two days served, two years of supervised probation, $700 in court fines and fees.
Justin Jeffrey Likness, 34, Minot, driving under suspension (Class B misdemeanor), $500 in court fines and fees; possession of controlled substance-marijuana-less than half an ounce (infraction), $125 in court fines and fees; unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-use/storage-marijuana (infraction), $125 in court fines and fees.
Michael Odendaal, 27, Minot, unauthorized use of a vehicle-retrieval and restoration-over $1,000 (Class C felony), five years with the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, 165 days, credit for 165 days served, credit for 145 days already served and 20 days of earned good time, three years of supervised probation.
Jan. 2
Tyler Joseph Bennett, 32, Dickinson, DUI-intoxicating-fourth or subsequent offense in 15 years (Class C felony), deemed a misdemeanor, one year and one day with the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, first serve 10 days, credit for six days served, two years of supervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation, victim impact panel, Adult Drug Court Alternative Sentencing, 24/7 sobriety program, $2,525 in court fines and fees.
Dakota Joseph Jones, 22, Minot, possession of controlled substance-schedule IV depressant (Class A misdemeanor), one day in Ward County Jail, credit for one day served, chemical dependency evaluation, $75 in court fines and fees; false information to law enforcement, one day in Ward County Jail, credit for one day served, $325 in court fines and fees.
Christopher Reno New Holy, 36, Minot, disobedience of a judicial order (Class A misdemeanor),360 days in the Ward County Jail, first serve six days, credit for six days served, 360 days of unsupervised probation, have no contact with victim, $825 in court fines and fees.
Davina Rose Smith, 39, New Town, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-use SI, SII, SIII-second offense (Class C felony), deemed a misdemeanor, 360 days in the Ward County Jail, first serve 37 days, credit for 37 days served, two years of supervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation, $525 in court fines and fees.
Eunice Meyers, 59, Bismarck, possession of controlled substance-methamphetamine (Class A misdemeanor), chemical dependency evaluation, $500 in court fines and fees.
Dannielle Renee Reinhardt, 42, Minot, possession of controlled substance-methamphetamine-second offense (Class C felony), deemed a misdemeanor, 360 days with the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, first serve 52 days, credit for 52 days served, two years of supervised probation, 125 hours of community service, shall be regularly employed at least 32 hours a week unless defendant is in in-patient treatment program, $550 in court fines and fees.
Wyatt Tofte, 25, Minot, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-use-SI, SII, SIII-second offense (Class C felony), 360 days in Ward County Jail, first serve 47 days, credit for 47 days served, two years of supervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation, $560 in court fines and fees.
Seth Dylon Armstrong, 26, Williston, driving under suspension-fourth or subsequent offense in five years (Class A misdemeanor), $825 in court fines and fees; false information to law enforcement (Class A misdemeanor), $200 in court fines and fees; driving under suspension-fourth or subsequent offense in five years (Class A misdemeanors), $625 in court fines and fees.
David Allen Manley, 57, Minot, domestic violence-bodily injury-second or subsequent offense (Class A misdemeanor), 360 days in Ward County Jail, first serve 15 days, credit for 15 days served, 18 months of supervised probation, complete domestic violence evaluation, $325 in court fines and fees.
Damon William Marvel, 30, New Town, driving under suspension (Class B misdemeanor), $350 in court fines and fees.
Luke Austin Schafer, 34, Minot, DUI-.08% or greater-second offense in seven years (Class B misdemeanor), 30 days in Ward County Jail, first serve 15 days, credit for 15 days served, 360 days of unsupervised probation, victim impact panel, 24/7 sobriety program, chemical dependency evaluation already completed, $1,750 in court fines and fees.
Jan. 3
Jacob James Corning, 37, Minot, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-use SI, SII, SII-second offense (Class C felony), deemed a misdemeanor, 360 days in Ward County Jail, first serve 24 days, credit for 24 days served, two years of supervised probation, $525 in court fines and fees.
Selena Carmen Mayes, 27, Minot, fleeing a peace officer-vehicle (Class A misdemeanor), 360 days in the Ward County Jail, first serve two days, credit for two days served, two years of unsupervised probation, $325 in court fines and fees.
Mountrail County
Jan. 2
Santiago Lee Lopez, 23, Stanley, harboring a runaway minor (Class A misdemeanor), 360 days in the Mountrail County Correctional Center, first serve four days, 360 days of unsupervised probation, $575 in court fines and fees; possession of controlled substance-marijuana-at least half an ounce (Class B misdemeanor), chemical dependency evaluation, $100 in court fines and fees.