
North Central District Court

Ward County

July 17

Marian Yucheka Gunn, 44, Minot, driving under suspension (Class B misdemeanor) $350 in court fines and fees.

Cleo Eric Johnson III, 39, Minot, driving under suspension (Class B misdemeanor) $350 in court fines and fees.

Grant Patrick Churchill, 19, Minot, disorderly conduct-fighting behavior (Class B misdemeanor) 30 days in the Ward County Jail, first serve one day with credit for one day served, 360 days of unsupervised probation, complete anger management program, $250 in court fines and fees.

Tayla Raelee Morsette, 20, Minot, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-use SI, SII, SIII-second offense (Class C felony) five years in the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, first serve 166 days served with credit for 166 days served, three years of supervised probation, complete a chemical dependency evaluation, $650 in court fines and fees; false information to law enforcement (Class A misdemeanor) fees assessed in another disposition; unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-use SI, SII, SIII-second offense (Class C felony) one year and one day in the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, first serve 169 days with credit for 169 days served, two years of supervised probation, complete a chemical dependency evaluation, $825 in court fines and fees; unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-use SI, SII, SIII-second offense (Class C felony) deemed a misdemeanor, 360 days in the Ward County Jail, first serve 147 days with credit for 147 days served, two years supervised probation, complete a chemical dependency evaluation, $275 in court fines and fees.

Julian Pierce Williams, 41, Minot, menacing (Class A misdemeanor) 360 days in the Ward County Jail, first serve 281 days with credit for 281 days served, one year of supervised probation, $325 in court fines and fees.

Tyler James Baker, 33, Minot, driving under suspension (Class B misdemeanor) $550 in court fines and fees.

July 18

Kevin Jerome Parisien, 49, Washburn, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia-use SI, SII, SIII-second offense (Class C felony) deemed a misdemeanor, 360 days in the Ward County Jail, first serve four days with credit for four days served, one year of supervised probation, complete a chemical dependency evaluation, $675 in court fines and fees.

Denise L Howlingwolf, 37, Parshall, fleeing a peace officer-vehicle (Class A misdemeanor) 12 days in the Ward County Jail, first serve 12 days with credit for 12 days served, $500 in court fines and fees; DUI-intoxicating liquor-first offense (Class B misdemeanor) complete a chemical dependency evaluation, $500 in court fines and fees; driving under revocation (Class B misdemeanor) $100 in court fines and fees; possession of controlled substance-marijuana-less than half an ounce (infraction) $100 in court fines and fees.

July 19

Fabian Nikell Williams, 25, Scott, La., GF-nonresident license to hunt, trap, or fish-fishing (Class B misdemeanor) $350 in court fines and fees.

Jacqueline Naomi Holmes, 44, Garrison, driving under revocation-alcohol related (Class B misdemeanor) four days in the Ward County Jail, $350 in court fines and fees.

Joshua Eugene Anderson, 43, Mandan, unlawful deactivation or removal of a theft detection device (Class A misdemeanor) 360 days in the Ward County Jail, 360 days suspended, 18 months of unsupervised probation, $875 in court fines and fees.

Ryan Ralph Ekstrom, 33, Garrison, driving under suspension-alcohol related (Class B misdemeanor) four days in the Ward County Jail, $450 in court fines and fees.


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