Births Jan. 23: son to April and Brock Lynne, Minot. Jan. 24: son to Shelby and Rayanthony Caraan, Minot. NewsletterToday's breaking news and more in your inboxEmail(Required) I'm interested in (please check all that apply)(Required) Daily Newsletter Breaking News Obituaries Are you a paying subscriber to the newspaper?(Required) Yes No Births Births Nov. 20: son to Akira and Jonathan Essler, Kenmare Nov. 21: daughter to Laura Castillo and Benjamin Zareale; son ... Births Friday: son to Jessica and Jamie Adams, Minot. Births Oct. 31: son to Rylee Womack George and Connor George, son to Gracey Schultz and Tristen Zietz, son to Shantah and ... Births Oct. 16: Daughter to Samantha and Dustin Weeks, Deering. Births Oct. 1: daughter to Makensy and Dylan Huff. Oct. 2: daughter to Doudeline Stsurin, Max. Oct. 4: daughter to ... Births Sept. 22: son to Lizabeth Talbott and Brenden Self, Surrey.
Births Nov. 20: son to Akira and Jonathan Essler, Kenmare Nov. 21: daughter to Laura Castillo and Benjamin Zareale; son ...
Births Oct. 31: son to Rylee Womack George and Connor George, son to Gracey Schultz and Tristen Zietz, son to Shantah and ...
Births Oct. 1: daughter to Makensy and Dylan Huff. Oct. 2: daughter to Doudeline Stsurin, Max. Oct. 4: daughter to ...