
Legal Notices 11-22


Minutes of the Board of Ward

County Commissioners

November 5, 2019

The regular meeting of the Ward

County Commission was called to

order by Chair Weppler at 9:00 AM

with Commissioners Walter, Fjel-

dahl, Rostad, and Pietsch present.

Also present were department

heads Betty Braun, Dana Larsen,

Derrill Fick, Ellen Bjelland, Jason

Blowers, John Crosby, Kerrianne

Boetcher, Leona Lochthowe, Melis-

sa Bliss, Roza Larson, Ryan Kam-

rowski, and Jennifer Wiechmann.

Moved by Comm. Fjeldahl, second-

ed Comm. Walter to approved the

agenda. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried. Moved by Comm.

Pietsch, seconded by Comm. Ros-

tad to approve the Minutes for the

Regular Commission Meeting on

October 15, 2019and Special Meet-

ings October 25 & 28, 2019. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Moved by Comm. Fjeldahl, second-

ed by Comm. Walter to approve the

regular bills removing the 3 bills from

DHS-MMIS ($8,333.25) and the bill

from Lutheran Social Services

($3,865.37) totaling $436,762.67

and Social Service bills totaling

$20,318.60. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Moved by Comm.

Fjeldahl, seconded by Comm.

Pietsch to approve reaching out to

Lutheran Social Services, Ward

County Sheriff and Ward County So-

cial Services for accounting of late

2018 bills. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Moved by Comm.

Walter, seconded by Comm. Fjel-

dahl to approve requesting further

information regarding the 3 bills from

DHS-MMIS in the amount of

$8,333.25. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Moved by Comm.

Walter, seconded by Comm. Pietsch

to approve the request from Magic

City Equality to use the County

Courthouse steps on November 23,

2019 to hold a vigil to commemorate

Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. Emergency Management

Director, Jennifer Wiechmann ap-

peared with updates regarding the

Berthold Radio Tower and the 911

addresses between Des Lacs and

Burlington. Jason Blowers It Director

appeared with three agenda items.

The first being a requesting approval

of the Informcast Paging Mainte-

nance Renewal, he presented the

Commission with three options.

Moved by Comm. Fjeldahl, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to approve the

three year renewal with Marco for

the Informcast Paging Maintenance

Renewal in the amount of

$4,815.00. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Mr. Blowers’ second

item was a request to purchase Re-

mote Desktop Access Software in

the amount of $2,268.60 from Team-

Viewer. Moved by Comm. Rostad,

seconded by Comm. Fjeldahl to ap-

prove the purchase request from

TeamViewer. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried. Mr. Blowers’ fi-

nal item was an update on the

disposal process of out dated Coun-

ty computers. Mr. Blowers’ present-

ed the Commission with three option

for disposal of these computers and

the cost associated with it. County

Engineer, Dana Larsen informed the

Commission that if Jason removed

the PCs hard drivers that Highway

Department will destroy them.

Moved by Comm. Walter, seconded

by Comm. Rostad to approve the bid

from Kalix to destroy the outdated

County Computers. Motion with-

drawn. Moved by Comm. Walter,

seconded by Comm. Rostad to ap-

prove the IT Department remove the

PCs hard drives and have the High-

way Department destroy them and

take the remainder of the equipment

to Kalix for disposal. Roll call; all vot-

ed yes; motion carried. Ryan Kam-

rowski Director of Tax Equalization

presented Tax Roll Corrections for

approval. Moved by Comm. Walter,

seconded by Comm. Fjeldahl to ap-

prove Tax Roll Corrections as

presented. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Dana Larsen County

Highway Engineer appeared

representing Planning and Zoning

for approval for the following plat ap-


Proposed Outlot 4, SW 1/4 SW 1/4

Sec 27-153-82, Willis Township

Moved by Comm. Pietsch, second-

ed by Comm. Rostad to approve the

plat application for Tayte Dahl as

presented. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Mr. Larsen continued

with a request to purchase three

new motorgraders from RDO based

on the original bid quote from No-

vember 2018 in the amount of

$356,760 and a guaranteed

buy-back within 6 years. Moved by

Comm. Pietsch, seconded by

Comm. Walter to approve the re-

quest to ratify the order and the pur-

chase of three John Deere 772G

motorgraders based on RDO’s No-

vember 2018 bid (base bid of

$356,760 and a 6 year total cost of

ownership of $200,560 per blade).

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. Mr. Larsen’s final agenda item

is a request to send a list of County

bridges to ND DOT for Bridge Fund-

ing. Moved by Comm. Walter,

seconded by Comm. Rostad to ap-

prove Mr. Larsen’s request to submit

the following bridges to the ND DOT

for Bridge Funding: 51-117-202,

51-128-260, 51-156-490,

51-134-340, 51-136-310,

51-137-352. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Kjerstie Fevold, HR

Generalist appeared with a request

for approval of the following payroll

amendments:K. Haugen-Emergency

Management (level 20), L. Binckley-

Sheriff’s Department (level 21), K.

Powers- Sheriff’s Department (level

21), M. Santoscoy- Sheriff’s Depart-

ment (level 21), H. Brandt-Auditor/

Treasurer (level 21), A. Maline- So-

cial Service (level 23), D. Summers-

Social Services (level 19), A. Garcia-

Social Services (level 23), M. Ros-

tad- Social Services (level 21).

Moved by Comm. Rostad, seconded

by Comm. Walter to approve the

payroll amendments as presented.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. Chair Weppler informed the

Commission that she has received a

resignation letter from Human

Resource Director, Robin Finneseth

effective November 1, 2019. Ms.

Fevold handed the Commission the

HR Director’s job description and a

list of duties for the HR Director, HR

Generalist and Payroll Specialist.

The Commission had a brief dis-

cussion regarding this open position.

Moved by Comm. Fjeldahl, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to approve ad-

vertising the open Human Resource

Director position with a salary range

of $79,000-$89,000. Roll call; all vot-

ed yes; motion carried. Moved by

Comm. Fjeldahl, seconded by

Comm. Pietsch to approve Kjerstie

Fevold and Kenzie Bertsch as Hu-

man Resource Interim Co-Directors

with a pay increase of 5%. Roll call;

all voted yes; motion carried. Moved

by Comm. Rostad, seconded by

Comm. Fjeldahl to approve ad-

vertising the Human Resource

Director position for three weeks.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. Ms. Fevold present the Com-

mission with a copy of Robin

Finneseth’s tine card with a memo

stating that Ms. Finneseth was not

present at work the last 2 days of the

pay period. These 16 hours were

taken from her vacation hours and

the remainder hours will be paid the

November 15, 2019 pay period.

Moved by Comm. Pietsch, second-

ed by Comm. Walter to approve us-

ing 16 hours of Ms. Finneseth’s va-

cation hours for the last two days of

the pay period that she was not

working. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried. Moved by Comm.

Walter, seconded by Comm. Rostad

to approve having an interview com-

mittee consisting of 2 Commission-

ers (Weppler & Fjeldahl), City of

Minot Human Resource, Minot Pub-

lic Schools Human Resource and

Genny Dienstmann, NDACo. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Deputy Auditor/Treasurer, Marisa

Haman appeared. Moved by Comm.

Fjeldahl, seconded by Comm. Ros-

tad to receive and file the following

correspondence: Minot Area

Chamber of Commerce-Economy at

a Glace; NDDOT- County Bridge In-

spections; NDSU

Extension-Quarterly News Letter;

Department Heads- October Meet-

ing minutes. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Moved by Comm.

Rostad, seconded by Comm. Walter

to approve the Duplicate Warrant re-

quest for NOVA. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried. Moved by

Comm. Pietsch, seconded by

Comm. Fjeldahl to approve quit

claim deeds for foreclosed property

redeemed by owner for the following

properties: Tolleys Plat L4 B24 Ken-

mare City-S28; Belmont Addition Lot

157-Minot City; Springfield Addition

Lot 2 Block 1-Minot City; Elbow Park

Manor Addition Lot 122-Minot City;

Por E2SW N of Soo Railway

W2SWSE, S11-154-82

Sundres-S10; Prairie Meadows

Addn, Lot 8B being otl 25, 19-155-81

Surrey City S41 tif district. Roll call;

all voted yes; motion carried. Moved

by Comm. Walter, seconded by

Comm. Rostad to approve the State

Lodging rate increase from $84.60

to $86.40 effect October 1, 2019.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. Moved by Comm. Walter,

seconded by Comm. to approve raf-

fle permit for Souris River Basin

Longbeards and event permits for

HOPR, LLC (Grainhopper) and

Pinks Bar & Grill. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried. Moved by

Comm. Fjeldahl, seconded by

Comm. Pietsch to appoint Clayton

Fegley and Louis “Mac” McLeod to

the Ward Human Service Zone

Board. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried. Moved by Comm. Ros-

tad, seconded by Comm. Walter to

approve purchasing 500 Ward

County Pens at $0.59 each totaling

$295.00 using funds from the Coun-

ty promotional fund. Roll call; all vot-

ed yes; motion carried. Recess at

10:15 AM. Reconvened at 10:25

AM. Moved by Comm. Pietsch,

seconded by Comm. Walter to move

into Executive Session at 10:26 AM

regarding vendor dispute. Roll call;

all voted yes; motion carried. In at-

tendance during the Executive ses-

sion were Chair Weppler, Commis-

sioners Fjeldahl, Rostad, Walter and

Pietsch, Deputy Auditor/Treasurer

Marisa Haman, County Highway En-

gineer Dana Larson and Bryan Van

Grinsven of McGee, Hankla &

Backes, P.C. Moved by Comm.

Walter, seconded by Comm. Pietsch

to close Executive Session at 10:38

AM. Roll call; all voted yes; motion

carried. Regular meeting recon-

vened at 10:38 AM. Moved by

Comm. Rostad, seconded by

Comm. Fjeldahl to approve author-

izing Attorney Brian Van Grinsven to

proceed with the legal recommenda-

tion. Roll call; all voted yes; motion

carried. At 11:40 AM with no further

business, the meeting was ad-


(November 22, 2019)


Minutes of the Ward County Park


August 20, 2019

The Ward County Park Board meet-

ing was called to order by

Co-Chairman Pitner at 8:00 AM with

Commissioners Rostad, Walter,

Weppler, Fjeldahl and Pietsch

present. Also present were Highway

Engineer Dana Larsen and Assistant

Engineer Travis Schmit. Moved by

Comm. Weppler, seconded by

Comm. Pietsch to approve the

meeting minutes from May 21, 2019.

Roll call; all voted yes motion car-

ried. Moved by Comm. Rostad,

seconded by Comm. Walter to ap-

prove regular park bills totaling

$81,051.20. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Moved by Comm.

Weppler, seconded by Comm.

Walter to receive and file the Vision-

ing Committee meeting minutes

from July 16, 2019. Roll call; all vot-

ed yes; motion carried. Travis

Schmit Assistant County Engineer

appeared requesting approval to ap-

ply for several grants for 2020 park

projects. Moved by Comm. Weppler,

seconded by Comm. Pietsch to ap-

prove the grant applications for

Eastside Estate- outdoor single tray

grills and Nelson Carlson Lake- con-

crete picnic tables. Roll call; all vot-

ed yes; motion carried. There was a

discussion regarding applying for a

grant to purchase a zip line for Nel-

son Carlson Lake. Moved by Comm.

Weppler, seconded by Comm.

Pietsch to approve applying for the

grant. Roll call; all voted yes, except

Comm. Fjeldahl who voted no; mo-

tion carried. Mr. Schmit continued

with a request to pursue gathering

information and cost to construct a

pavilion at the Rice Lake Camp-

grounds. Moved by Comm. Walter,

seconded by Comm. Fjeldahl to ap-

prove the request to gather informa-

tion and cost for the pavilion. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Moved by Comm. Walter, seconded

by Comm. Weppler to approve re-

questing bid to purchase a new lawn

mower. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried. Travis Schmit gave the

board an update regarding all of

Ward County parks. County En-

gineer Dana Larsen gave input

though out the meeting. With no oth-

er business, Co-Chairman Pitner ad-

journed the meeting at 8:54 AM.

(November 22, 2019)


Civil No. 51-2019-CV-00155





Freedom Mortgage Corporation,



Mandi Mayer, and any person in

possession, and all persons unk-

nown, claiming any estate or interest

in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the

real estate described in the com-



Judgment in the amount of

$302,099.20, having been entered in

favor of Plaintiff and against Defen-

dants, which Judgment was filed

with the Clerk of Courts of Ward

County, North Dakota, on October

28, 2019, for the foreclosure of a

real estate mortgage. Notice is here-

by given pursuant to said Judgment

that the real property described in

the Mortgage dated September 25,

2015, which Mortgagors, Mandi

Mayer, executed and delivered to

Mortgage Electronic Registration

Systems, Inc. as nominee for Bre-

mer Bank, National Association, its

successors and assigns.

Lot 5A, Lakeside 16th Addition to

the City of Minot, Ward County,

North Dakota.

2234 14th Street Northwest,

Minot, ND 58703

and recorded in the office of the

Clerk and Recorder of Ward County,

North Dakota, on September 28,

2015, Instrument Number 2990520.

Said Mortgage was assigned to

Plaintiff, its successors or assigns,

by Assignment of Mortgage record-

ed March 12, 2018, Instrument

Number 3016908. In order to realize

the amount of $302,099.20, as of

October 28, 2019, plus interest ac-

cruing thereafter on said amount at

the rate of 3.50000% per year to-

gether with the costs and expenses

of sale, will be sold subject to

redemption as provided by law as

one parcel of land at public auction,

subject to the lien for unpaid real

estate taxes and assessments of

Ward County, North Dakota, and

easements and restrictions of

record, to the highest bidder for cash

under the direction of the Sheriff of

Ward County, North Dakota, at the

main entrance of the Ward County

Courthouse located at 315 SE 3rd

Street, Minot, North Dakota 58701,

on January 8, 2020 (“Sale Date”), at

10:00 AM. If the sale is set aside for

reason, the Purchaser at the sale

shall be entitled only to a return of

the deposit paid. The purchaser

shall have no further recourse

against the Mortgagor, the Mort-

gagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney.

DATED this 18th day of November,



For: Robert Roed

By: /s/Jamie Williams

Sheriff / Deputy Sheriff of Ward

Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C.

By: /s/Benjamin J. Mann

Benjamin J. Mann

Attorneys for Plaintiff

376 East 400 South, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT 84111


Email: benjamin@hwmlawfirm.com

Bar: 08371

(November 22-29; December 6,



Probate No. 51-2019-PR-00163




In the Matter of the Estate of

Eunice M. Lohse, Deceased.


the undersigned has been appointed

personal representative of the above

estate. All persons having claims

against the said deceased are re-

quired to present their claims within

three months after the date of the

first publication or mailing of this no-

tice or said claims will be forever

barred. Claims must either be

presented to Gene L. Lohse, person-

al representative of the estate, c/o

Howard & Associates, 7 Third St,

SE,Suite 202, Minot, North Dakota

58701-3916, or filed with the Court.

Dated this 19th day of November,


/s/Gene L. Lohse

Gene L. Lohse, Personal


1102 30th Ave. SE

Minot. ND 58701

Judith E. Howard (ID 03482)

Howard & Associates

7 Third St. SE, Suite 202

Minot. ND 58701-3916

(November 22-29; December 6,



Below are the list of Storage Rooms

that U-Haul Moving and Storage of

Minot have set up on Auction. The

auction will end on 11/29/19 and is

live bidding online the week prior on


1097 – Fermin Garcia

1198- Tyrone Towns

1348 – Barwqo Galow

1148 – David Anderson

1096 – Brian Colliton

1451 – Troy Gustavson

(November 15-22, 2019)


CIVIL NUMBER: 51-2019-CV-01374





Freedom Mortgage Corporation,



Cody J. Rozell, and any person in

possession, and all persons unk-

nown, claiming any estate or interest

in, or lien or encumbrance upon, the

real estate described in the com-



To the above mentioned Defendants

including all persons unknown,

claiming any estate or interest in, or

lien or encumbrance upon, the real

estate described in the complaint.

You are hereby summoned to ap-

pear and defend against the Com-

plaint in this action, which has been

filed with the Clerk of Court and is

herewith served upon you, by serv-

ing upon the undersigned a copy of

an Answer or other proper response

within twenty-one (21) days after the

service of this Summons upon you,

exclusive of the day of service. If

you fail to do so, Judgment by de-

fault will be taken against you for the

relief demanded in the Complaint.

The original Complaint is filed with

the Clerk of the District Court in the

County in which this action is com-

menced. This action relates to the

foreclosure of a mortgage upon the

following described real property in

the County of Ward, State of North

Dakota: All that certain piece, parcel

or tract of land situate lying and be-

ing in the County of Ward, State of

North Dakota, to wit:

Lot 21, Block 8, Blaisdell-Bird Ad-

dition to the City of Minot, Ward

County, North Dakota.

Being the same premises as con-

veyed in Deed from Terence S.

Sinner, a single person recorded

09/17/2014 in Document Number

2977745 in said County and State.

Property Address: 520 19th Street

Northwest, Minot, ND 58703. The

Plaintiff is not seeking a personal

judgment against the above-named


Date: July 25, 2019

/s/ Benjamin J. Mann

Benjamin J. Mann

376 East 400 South, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Tel: 801-355-2886

Fax: 801-328-9714

Email: benjamin@hwmlawfirm.com

Bar Number: 08371

HWM: 55396

(November 15-22-29, 2019)


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