
Legal Notices 9-20


Minot Public School District #1

Regular School Board Meeting

September 5, 2019

Members Present

Jim Rostad

Mark Lyman

Mitch Kraft

Laura Mihalick

Miranda Schuler

Members Absent

The Regular Board Meeting was

called to order by President Rostad

at 4:00 P.M. Superintendent Mark

Vollmer presented a September 3rd

(the day after Labor Day) enrollment

report indicating that MPS enroll-

ment was up 93 students. Total en-

rollment is currently at 7,722 com-

pared to 7,629 last year at the same

time. Dr. Vollmer reviewed the new

MPS Strategic Planning chart.

Moved by Lyman, seconded by

Kraft, to approve the Consent Agen-

da to include the August 8 2019

Regular and August 16 Special

board meeting minutes and the

Financial Reports to include the Au-

gust Accounts Payable in the

amount of $2,686,010.22. Roll Call:

All members voted “Yes.” Business

Manager Scott Moum presented the

2019-2020 School District Budget &

Tax Levy for approval on 2nd read-

ing. The budget will be presented for

final approval at the October 3, 2019

meeting. The public is allowed the

opportunity to provide input to the

school board at that meeting. The

preliminary 2019-2020 budget in-

cluded $108.6 million in projected

revenue, $109.9 million in projected

expenditures and a projected deficit

of $1.29 million. The proposed budg-

et included an estimated decrease

of approximately 2.16 mills reducing

the total school mill levy to 111.34.

Moum noted that the County

Auditor’s office had made an error in

the estimated property tax informa-

tion that was sent to school district

taxpayers last week. The county’s

miscalculation indicated that the

school district’s levy would be de-

creasing 9.56 mills rather the correct

2.16 mills decrease. The auditor’s

office will be notifying taxpayers of

the error. Moved by Lyman, second-

ed by Kraft, approve 2019-2020

Budget and Tax Levy on 2nd read-

ing. Roll Call: All members voted

“Yes.” Moved by Schuler, seconded

by Mihalick, to approve Jenica

Swenson’s letter of resignation (ef-

fective 12-21-19) and request for

waiver of liquidated damages.

Moved by Kraft, seconded by Mihal-

ick, to approve the 2019-2020 Fall

Calendar Report. Roll Call: All

members voted “Yes.” Moved by

Mihalick, seconded by Schuler, to

approve DPI Annual Compliance

Report. Roll Call: All members voted

“Yes.” The NDSBA annual conven-

tion is set for October 24 & 25 in

Bismarck. The October 3 regular

meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. The

Annual Meeting adjourned at 4:33


Scott, Moum, Business Manager

Jim Rostad, President

These minutes are not approved un-

til the next regular board meeting.

Bills list can be found at:




(September 20, 2019)


Minutes of the Board of Ward

County Commissioners

September 3, 2019

The regular meeting of the Ward

County Commission was called to

order by Chair Weppler at 9:05 AM

with Commissioners Walter, Fjel-

dahl, Rostad, and Pietsch present.

Also present were department

heads Betty Braun, Dana Larsen,

Devra Smestad, Ellen Bjelland, Ja-

son Blowers, John Crosby, Kerri-

anne Boetcher, Leona Lochthowe,

Melissa Bliss, Robin Finneseth,

Roza Larson, and Jennifer Wiech-

mann. Moved by Comm. Pietsch,

seconded Comm. Rostad to ap-

proved the agenda. Roll call; all vot-

ed yes; motion carried. Moved by

Comm. Walter, seconded by Comm.

Pietsch to approve the Minutes for

the Regular Commission meeting on

August 20, 2019. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried. Moved by

Comm. Rostad, seconded by

Comm. Fjeldahl to approve the regu-

lar bills totaling $979,942.47 and So-

cial Service bills totaling $11,048.55.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. Laurel Sehn, County Reim-

bursement and Administration Sup-

port Accountant from ND Depart-

ment of Human Services appeared

to answer the Commission’s ques-

tion regarding indirect costs. Patrick

Samson and Ryan Ackerman, Ack-

erman Estvold on behalf of the

Souris River Joint Water Resource

Board appeared requesting permis-

sion to place a pre-consolidation pile

on Ward County property located at

801 36th St. SW. The pre

-consolidation pile is required for the

construction of a new gatewell to be

place as part of the MREFPP Phase

WC-1. Moved by Comm. Walter,

seconded by Comm. Rostad to ap-

prove the request to place a

pre-consolidation pile on Ward

County property. Roll call; all voted

yes, except Comm. Fjeldahl who

voted no; motion carried. Facilities

Management Director, Leona

Lochthowe appeared with two agen-

da items for the Commission’s ap-

proval. Ms. Lochthowe first item is a

recommendation to replace the Old

Jail Detention stairwell treads. She

presented the Commission with two

bids for the replacement. Moved by

Comm. Pietsch, seconded by

Comm. Walter to approve the bid

from I Keating, Inc in the amount of

$9,769.06 to replace the Old Jail

Detention stairwell treads. Roll call;

all voted yes; motion carried. Ms.

Lochthowe continued with a bid to

purchase a sand and salt spreader

for the County’s Bobcat. Moved by

Comm. Rostad, seconded by

Comm. Fjeldahl to approve the pur-

chase of a salt and sand spreader

from Swantson Bobcat in the

amount of $3,658.00. Roll call; all

voted yes; motion carried. Larry

Hubbard, Sheriff’s Office requested

approval to replace 20 of the 22 in

car computers before the beginning

of the year. The cost of the new

computers will come from the IT

Departments and the Sheriff’s

Office’s budgets. The total cost for

the 20 new computers is

$81,151.55. Moved by Comm.

Walter, seconded Comm. Rostad to

approve the purchase of 20 new in

car computers for the Sheriff’s Office

in the amount of $81,151.55. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Deputy of Tax Equalization, Noreen

Barton appeared with Tax Roll

Corrections. Moved by Comm.

Pietsch, seconded by Comm. Walter

to approve Tax Roll Corrections as

presented. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Nancy Simpson,

Planning and Zoning Administrator

appeared with four memorandums

for Commission approval. Memoran-

dum 1 is a recommendation for an

Ordinance Update.

Adoption and Revision Dates

Chapter 1: Being Resolution Estab-

lishing Zoning District #1 Date Esta-

blished: March 17, 1955 “Ã-the fore-

going is a true, correct and complete

copy of a resolution adopted by the

Board of County Commissioners of

said County at its regular meeting

held on the 9th day of June, 1955

and which resolution is part of the

minutes of said Board and as

amended on the 27th day of July

1977, 24th day of August 1977, 26th

day of September 1984, 21st day of

December 1989, and the 1st day of

June 1993, and the 5th day of Au-

gust 2003.”

Chapter 2: Being Resolution Estab-

lishing Zoning District #2 Date Esta-

blished: June 9 1955 “Ã-the forego-

ing is a true, correct and complete

copy of a resolution adopted by the

Board of County Commissioners of

said County on the 9th day of June,

1955, and amended February 2,

1965, November 13, 1990, July 2,

1991, June 1, 1993, November 19,

2002, August 5, 2003, June 21,

2005, which resolutions are a part of

the minutes of said Board.”

Chapter 3: Being Resolution Estab-

lishing Zoning District #6 Date

EstablishedÃ-a resolution providing

County Zoning, and empowering the

Board of County Commissioners to

establish certain zoning districts; to

establish a County Planning Com-

mission; to secure the orderly

development of the County as pro-

vided by Chapter 11-33 of the North

Dakota Century Code; to regulate

and restrict therein in the location,

erection, construction, reconstruc-

tion, alteration, and use of buildings,

structures and land, for industry,

business, trade, residence and other

uses, (expecting no provisions of the

resolution shall in any way effect the

use of land or buildings used for

farming or any normal incident

thereto), to regulate and restrict the

height, number of stories, and size

of all buildings, and the size of

yards, courts and other open spaces

surrounding buildings, to regulate

and restrict the density of popula-

tion; to provide for the change and

boundaries of districts; and to pro-

vide references to Zoning Maps and

provide regulations for the subdivi-

sion of land; to provide minimum

specifications for construction of

buildings and sanitary facilities; to

provide for enforcement of the provi-

sion hereof; to repeal Zoning Reso-

lution No. 3 Dated June 9, 155, No.

4 Dated January 3, 1957, No. 5 Dat-

ed April 20, 1961, and Commission-

ers, Ward County, North Dakota.

“Ã-foregoing is a true and correct

complete copy of a resolution adopt-

ed by the Board of County Commis-

sioners of Ward County at its meet-

ing held on the 6th day of April,

2010, which Resolution is a part of

the minutes of said Board;Ã-”

Amendment Dates: 1-7-64, 2-5-64,

2-1-66, 7-9-71, 9-22-77, 10-19-78,

2-3-82, 6-17-82, 8-26-82, 9-26-84,

9-17-91, 6-493,6-7-94, 8-20-96,

12-7-99, 8-6-03, 9-7-04, 11-5-05,

12-6-05, 2-9-07, 2-5-08, 4-6-10,

7-17-18, 10-2-18.

Chapter 4: Being Resolution Estab-

lishing Ward County Floodplain Or-

dinance Date Established: January

15, 2013. Comprehensive Plan in

accordance with North Dakota Cen-

tury Code 11-33-03 Ward County

has adopted a Comprehensive Plan.

All development within the boundary

of this ordinance shall be consistent

with and accomplish the goals and

policies of the effective Ward County

Comprehensive Plan and any

amendments thereto. Moved by

Comm. Fjeldahl, seconded by

Comm. Walter to approve the first

reading of the recommended Ordi-

nance Update. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried. Ms. Simpson

continued with a right of way Vari-

ance application for Diane

Sanders-Walsh. Moved by Comm.

Rostad, seconded by Comm. Fjel-

dahl to approve the variance appli-

cation. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried. Moved by Comm.

Walter, seconded by Comm. Fjel-

dahl to approve Plat Applications:

Norman Sollid on behalf of Arlo Er-

ickson Application for plat for the fol-

lowing described property: Proposed

Outlot 1, SE 1/4 SE 1/4, 23-152-84,

Hilton Township The applicant is re-

questing an outlot be created for the

construction of a single family

residence. Hilton Township has

responded with approval and no

further comment. The Ward County

Water Resource Board returned the

plat without objection, and with the

usual recommendation. Planning

Commission recommends approval.

2. Marjorie Arnold Application for

plats for the following described pro-

perty: Proposed Outlot 1, S

1/2,16-157-85, Mayland Township

Proposed Outlot 3, N 1/2,

21-157-85, Mayland Township The

applicant is requesting outlots be

created to be sold. Mayland Town-

ship has responded with approval

and no further comment. The Ward

County Water Resource Board re-

turned the plat without objection,

and with the usual recommendation.

Planning Commission recommends

approval. 3. Diane Sanders-Walsh

Application for a plat for the follow-

ing described property: Proposed

Outlot 29, SE 1/4, 10-154-82, Sun-

dre Township. The applicant is re-

questing a 2 acre outlot be created

that encompasses the modular

home to come into compliance with

a condition on the original building

permit issued in 2003. The condition

on the original permit was

discovered when the applicant re-

cently requested a building permit

for a garage. Sundre Township has

responded with approval and no

further comment. The Ward County

Water Resource Board returned the

plat without objection, and with the

usual recommendation. Planning

Commission recommends approval.

Cunningham Family Partners LLC

Application for plats for the following

described properties: Outlot 1, NW

1/4, 11-151-86, Ryder Township

Outlot 2, W 1/2, 11-151-86, Ryder

Township The plats are being creat-

ed for estate purposes. Ryder Town-

ship has responded with approval

and no further comment. The Ward

County Water Resource Board re-

turned the plat without objection,

and with the usual recommendation.

Planning Commission recommends

approval. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried. Ms. Simpson final

memorandum was a Special Use

Permit Application: NE 1/4 NE 1/4,

8-153-85, Vang Township. The Spe-

cial Use is to construct a 195′ foot

tall monopole cellular communica-

tions tower. Vang Township has

responded with denial for the pro-

posed location and recommends the

tower be located elsewhere on the

lessors property. No public comment

has been received as of the date of

this agenda. Planning Commission

recommends denial. Moved by

Comm. Pietsch, seconded by

Comm. Walter to deny the Special

Use Permit application as recom-

mended by Planning Commission.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. County Highway Engineer,

Dana Larsen appeared with informa-

tion and a request regarding the

County setting up an Amazon Busi-

ness account. Moved by Comm.

Rostad, seconded by Comm.

Pietsch to approve an Amazon

Essential Account at $179.00 per

year. Roll call; all voted yes; motion

carried. Robin Finneseth Human

Resource Director appeared re-

questing approval for the following

Payroll Amendments: C.

Visocky-Sheriff’s Office (level 21);

C.Wingertsahn- Sheriff’s Office (lev-

el 14); S.Van Sickle- Facilities

Management (level 22). Moved by

Comm. Walter, seconded by Comm.

Pietsch to approve the payroll

amendments as presented. Roll call;

all voted yes; motion carried. Moved

by Comm. Fjeldahl, seconded by

Comm. Walter to Receive and File

Correspondence: Court Facilities Im-

provement Advisory

Committee-Grant; ND DOT-Scour

Analysis Requirement; Department

Heads-Meeting Minutes. Roll call; all

voted yes; motion carried.

Auditor/Treasurer, Devra Smestad

appeared. Ms. Smestad informed

the Commission that the Western

Dakota Energy Association Confer-

ence will be held in Minot on Oc-

tober 30 & 31 if any of the Commis-

sioners are interested in attending.

The Commissioners all stated they

will be attending. Ms. Smestad con-

tinued with requesting if the Com-

mission would like to bill other enti-

ties for their proportion of the cost of

sending out property tax estimates

as allowed by ND Century code.

Moved by Comm. Walter, seconded

by Comm. Rostad to table for more

information. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Moved by Comm.

Rostad, seconded by Comm. Walter

to appoint Director of Tax Equaliza-

tion, Ryan Kamrowski as the County

Delegate for the NDACo Confer-

ence. Roll call; all voted yes; motion

carried. Ms. Smestad informed the

Commission that the Elmer Jesme

Conference will be held Monday,

September 9, 2019 at the NDSU Ex-

tension office. Topics of the confer-

ence will be bit coin and weather

modification. Moved by Comm. Fjel-

dahl, seconded by Comm. Pietsch

to approve duplicate warrant for A.

Martinez. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. Moved by Comm.

Rostad, seconded by Comm. Walter

to approve the raffle permit applica-

tion for Minot Indoor Rodeo. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Moved by Comm. Fjeldahl, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to approve

holding a meeting with Comm. Fjel-

dahl, Highway Department, Building

Inspector, Human Resources and

Planning and Zoning Administrator

to discuss Planning and Zoning

becoming a stand alone department.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-

ried. At 10:34 AM with no further

business, the meeting was ad-


(September 20, 2019)


Minutes of the Special Meeting of

the Board of Ward County


September 6, 2019

The special meeting of the Ward

County Commission was called to

order by Chair Weppler at 8:30 AM

with Commissioners Walter, Fjel-

dahl, Rostad and Pietsch present.

Also present were department

heads Betty Braun, Dana Larsen,

Jason Blowers, Leona Lochthowe

and Robin Finneseth. County En-

gineer, Dana Larsen appeared with

a recommendation from the small

group meeting that met on Sep-

tember 3, 2019 and consisted of

Commissioner Fjeldahl; HR Director,

Robin Finneseth; Building Inspector,

Leo Schmidt; Planning and Zoning

Administrator, Nancy Simpson; As-

sistant County Engineer, Travis

Schmitt and Mr. Larsen. Their

recommendation was to create a job

description for the Planning and

Zoning Director position as it would

be a standalone department and to

advertise the position. Interviews

would be conducted on the current

Planning and Zoning Administrator

position that is currently advertised.

Once the Planning and Zoning

Director position closed, further

recommendations would be brought

before the County Commission on

whether to keep as currently struc-

tured or moving to a standalone po-

sition. Moved by Comm. Fjeldahl,

seconded by Comm. Rostad to ap-

prove proceeding with the recom-

mendation and advertise both posi-

tions. After the discussion Comm.

Fjeldahl and Comm. Rostad with-

drew the motion. Moved by Comm.

Walter, seconded by Comm. Pietsch

to approve continuing Planning and

Zoning position as it currently is and

transition the position to the Tax

Equalization Office. The discussion

continued. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried. At 9:04 AM with no

further business, the meeting was


(September 20, 2019)




Civil No. 51-2019-CV-00273

The Industrial Commission of North

Dakota, acting as the North Dakota

Housing Finance Agency,



Chad A. Cook and Michelle Cook,

husband and wife; any other person

in possession; and ProCollect Ser-

vices, LLC;



by virtue of a judgment and decree

of foreclosure rendered and given in

the District Court in and for the

County of Ward, North Dakota,

North Central Judicial District, en-

tered and docketed in the Office of

the Clerk of said Court on July 24,

2019, in an action wherein The In-

dustrial Commission of North Dakota

acting as the North Dakota Housing

Finance Agency, was Plaintiff and

Chad A. Cook and Michelle Cook,

husband and wife; any other person

in possession; and ProCollect Ser-

vices, LLC were the Defendants; on

which day it was adjudged that there

was due and owing the Plaintiff from

the Defendants, Chad A. Cook and

Michelle Cook, husband and wife;

together with costs and disburse-

ments of said action, the sum of

$112,481.31, and by virtue of a Spe-

cial Execution issued to me by the

Clerk of said Court, I will sell the real

property described in said judgment

and hereafter described to the

highest bidder for cash at public

auction at the front door of the

Courthouse in the City of Minot,

County of Ward, North Dakota, on

October 16, 2019, at the hour of

10:00 a.m. of that day to satisfy the

amount due with accrued costs and

interest at the date of sale, or so

much thereof as the proceeds of

said sale applicable thereto will

satisfy. The premises to be sold as

aforesaid are situated in the County

of Ward, State of North Dakota, and

are more particularly described as


Lot 14, Rearrangement of W1/2 of

Block 1, Home Acres Addition to

the City of Minot, Ward County,

North Dakota

(Street Address: 1641 Main Street

South, Minot, ND 58701)

Dated at Minot, North Dakota, this

4th day of September, 2019.

Robert Roed

Sheriff of Ward County,

North Dakota

/s/Jamie Williams

Lieutenant Jamie Williams

Dean A. Rindy ND ID# 04206

Special Assistant Attorney General

Attorney for Plaintiff

720 Main Avenue

Fargo, ND 58103



(September 13-20-27, 2019)


The 2020 preliminary budget of the

City of Sawyer is available for exam-

ination in the office of the City Audi-

tor of Sawyer. The governing body

will hold a Public Hearing October

7th, 2019 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at

the City Hall to adopt the final budg-


Susan Schmidt

Sawyer City Auditor

(September 20, 2019)


Civil No. 51-2019-CV-00663





Guild Mortgage Company, a Califor-

nia Corporation,



Michael M. Holmen and Taylor M.

Holmen, and any person in posses-

sion, and all persons unknown,

claiming any estate or interest in, or

lien or encumbrance upon, the real

estate described in the complaint,


Judgment in the amount of

$99,640.10, having been entered in

favor of Plaintiff and against Defen-

dants, which Judgment was filed

with the Clerk of Courts of Ward

County, North Dakota, on August

14, 2019, for the foreclosure of a

real estate mortgage. Notice is here-

by given pursuant to said Judgment

that the real property described in

the Mortgage dated June 15, 2018,

which Mortgagors, Michael M. Hol-

men, Taylor M. Holmen, executed

and delivered to Mortgage Electronic

Registration Systems, Inc. as nom-

inee for Guild Mortgage Company, a

California Corporation, its succes-

sors and assigns.

Lots 3 and 4, Patterson’s Addition

to Carpio, Ward County, North



AS FOLLOWS: Lots 3 and 4,

Patterson’s Addition to the City of

Carpio, Ward County, North

Dakota. Lot 3: 304 Garfield Ave W,

Carpio, ND 58725

Lot 4: 413 3rd Street W, Carpio,

ND 58725

and recorded in the office of the

Clerk and Recorder of Ward County,

North Dakota, on June 18, 2018, In-

strument Number 3019477. Said

Mortgage was assigned to Plaintiff,

its successors or assigns, by As-

signment of Mortgage recorded

February 25, 2019, Instrument

Number 3025896. In order to realize

the amount of $99,640.10, as of Au-

gust 14, 2019, plus interest accruing

thereafter on said amount at the rate

of 4.75000% per year together with

the costs and expenses of sale, will

be sold subject to redemption as

provided by law as one parcel of

land at public auction, subject to the

lien for unpaid real estate taxes and

assessments of Ward County, North

Dakota, and easements and restric-

tions of record, to the highest bidder

for cash under the direction of the

Sheriff of Ward County, North Dako-

ta, at the main entrance of the Ward

County Courthouse located at 315

SE 3rd Street, Minot, North Dakota

58701, on October 16, 2019 (“Sale

Date”), at 10:00 AM. If the sale is set

aside for reason, the Purchaser at

the sale shall be entitled only to a re-

turn of the deposit paid. The pur-

chaser shall have no further

recourse against the Mortgagor, the

Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attor-


Dated this 12th day of September,



Robert Reed, Deputy Sheriff

Halliday, Watkins & Mann, P.C.

/s/ Benjamin J. Mann

Attorneys for Plaintiff

376 East 400 South, Suite 300

Salt Lake City, UT 84111


Email: benjamin@hwmlawfirm.com

Bar: 08371

(September 20-27; October 4, 2018)




SEPTEMBER 30, 2019















1. Outlot Plat – Proposed Outlot 22

and Outlot 23 in Section

34-155-82W. Public hearing on a re-

quest by Bradley Weber, Owner, to

subdivide unplatted portions of the

SE1/4NE1/4SE1/4 of Section

34-155-82W to create outlot plats for

proposed Outlots 22 and 23. This

property is zoned RA, Agricultural

Residential District located at 3120

72nd Street, SE.

2. Subdivision – Proposed McHenry

Addition, Lot 1. Public hearing on a

request by FMI, Inc., Applicant, to

rezone a portion of Outlot 7 in Sec-

tion 14-155-83 from District R3B

(Multiple Residential Medium Densi-

ty) to District C2 (General Commer-

cial District) and to subdivide Lot 1,

Boyce’s Addition, together with a

portion of Outlot 7 in Section

14-155-83 to create McHenry Addi-

tion, Lot 1. This property is located

at 304 4th Avenue NW.

3. CUP (Conditional Use Permit) —

Outdoor Storage – LaViolette Addi-

tion, Lots 1 & 3. Public hearing on a

request by Midwest Capital Group,

LLC., Applicant, for a Conditional

Use Permit (CUP) for indoor

self-service storage and outdoor

storage of RVs, boats, automobiles,

and related recreational

vehicles/items on property zoned

M1, Light Industrial District, located

at 3100 County Road 19S.

4. Zone Change – R1 to MH – East-

side Estates, Lot 7, Block 2. Public

hearing on a request by Eugene

Kraft, Owner, for a zone change

from R1, Single-Family Residential

District to MH, Manufactured Home

District, to locate a manufactured

home on property located at 3465

47th Street SE.

(September 20, 2019)


Probate No. 51-2019-PR-00108



In the Matter of the Estate of Jerica



the undersigned has been appointed

Personal Representative of the

above Estate. All persons having

claims against the said deceased

are required to present their claims

within three months after the date of

the first publication of this Notice or

said claims will be forever barred.

Claims must either be presented to

Daniel Holwegner, Personal

Representative of the Estate of Jeri-

ca Irmen, c/o Olson & Burns P.C.,

P.O. Box 1180, Minot, ND

58702-1180, or filed with the Court.

Dated this 9th day of September,


/s/Daniel Holwegner

Daniel Holwegner

Jessica L. Merchant (ID 06169)


P. O. Box 1180

Minot, ND 58702-1180

(701) 839-1740


Attorneys for Personal


(September 13-20-27, 2019)


Probate No. 51-2019-PR-135




In the Matter of the Estate of Christ

J. Johnson, Jr. a/k/a Christian Jel-

mer Johnson, Jr., Deceased.


the undersigned has been appointed

personal representative of the Estate

of Christ J. Johnson, Jr. a/k/a Chris-

tian Jelmer Johnson, Jr. All persons

having claims against Christ J. John-

son, Jr. a/k/a Christian Jelmer John-

son, Jr. are required to present their

claims within three (3) months after

the date of the first publication of this

notice or said claims will be forever

barred. Claims must either be

presented to Michael J. Johnson,

personal representative of the

estate, at P.O. Box 998, Minot, ND

58702-0998, or filed with the Court.

Dated this 17th day of September,


Michael J. Johnson

Personal Representative

(September 20-27; October 4, 2019)







President Ron Aberle called meeting

to order at 5:00 pm. Board members

present Ron Aberle, Nicole Wald,

Dustin Mize, Taylor Feller and

Stephanie Munos. Also, present Su-

perintendent Voiles, Elementary

Principal Hansen, High School Prin-

cipal David Gerding and Business

Manager Twila Gantzer. Minutes:

M/S/C Wald/Munosto approve

minutes from July 17, 2019

re-organization meeting. Roll call

vote, all yes. M/S/C Munos/Mize to

approve minutes from July 17, 2019

regular meeting as corrected. Roll

call vote- Aberle-yes, Feller-yes,

Mize-yes, Munos-yes, Wald-no. Su-

perintendent: Mr Voiles presented a

memorandum of understanding with

Ward County Emergency Manage-

ment for the use of our building dur-

ing an emergency. M/S/C

Wald/Munos to approve. Roll call

vote, all yes. Mr Voiles thanked Mr

Gerding & Mrs Hansen for their help

in completing the consolidated appli-

cation, and presented the report for

board approval. M/S/C Munos/Wald

to approve. Roll call vote, all yes.

Mr. Voiles presented the August

19th agenda for the teacher

in-service. Ron Aberle encouraged

all board members to attend. Busi-

ness Manager’s Report: The finan-

cial reports were presented. M/S/C

Wald/Munosto approve financial re-

ports as presented and approve pay-

ment of July payroll & benefits in the

amount of $85,362.09; July bills:

General Fund-$32,678.34; Activity

Fund -$2,066.70; Prepaid Check

Register: General Fund-$74,801.19;

Activity Fund-$456.56. Roll call vote,

all yes. M/S/C Munos/Waldto ap-

prove tuition agreement out # 25;

M/S/C Munos/Wald to approve open

enrollment out #26; M/S/C

Munos/Waldto approve open enroll-

ment out #27; M/S/C Munos/Wald to

tuition agreement out #28; M/S/C

Mize/Munosto approve tuition agree-

ment in #29; M/S/C Munos/Wald to

approve tuition agreement out # 30;

M/S/C Wald/Munosto approve tui-

tion agreement out #31; M/S/C

Munos/Wald to approve tuition

agreement in #32. Roll call vote, all

yes. Ron Aberle also thanked Mr

Gerding & Mrs. Hansen for the extra

work they put in helping Mr Voiles.

Mr. Gerding: The new bus has ar-

rived. Mr Gerding thanked Tim &

Twila for their help when it arrived.

High school enrollment is up, more

accurate numbers will be shared

next month. Mr Gerding distributed

the NDBSA bullying policy. This poli-

cy was updated to include the in-

volvement of the counselor and also

includes electronic communication.

This will require two readings for ap-

proval into policy. M/S/C

Munos/Wald to approve the bullying

policy on first reading. Mr. Gerding

did speak to Kay in the kitchen

about making juice instead of the

premade cups. The cost is really

close. The meals are at the lowest

price possible using the state bid.

She will look further into the cost of

providing healthier meals. Mrs. Han-

sen: A letter of intent has been sent

to apply for a Music Grant for

$3,097.00. This grant would be for

elementary music education K-5.

More information will be available.

The STEM program will be available

1 day per week with two classes be-

ing offered to the first 20 students to

sign up. The elementary open house

will be Monday-August 19th from 4

to 6pm. We will be serving sloppy

joes, chips & a cookie. Unfinished

Business: Mrs Wald-Confidentiality:

There were concerns expressed re-

garding conversations with

teachers/employees in the business

managers office being confidential.

Mr Mize: Employee evaluations: Mr

Voiles would do the evals for the

hourly staff. Does board evaluate the

business manager or does Mr

Voiles. Twila will look further into

that and report back to the board. Mr

Aberle: Budget: The expenditure

budget was distributed. The revenue

budget needs to be entered. New

Business: Dustin Mize will be de-

ployed from October to April. Mr

Voiles will make the call to ND

School Boards Association to see

what steps if any need to be taken in

his absence. The next regular board

meeting will be Wednesday, Sep-

tember 11th at 5:00 pm. M/S/C

Munos/Wald to adjourn.

/s/Twila Gantzer

Twila Gantzer, Business Manager

/s/Ronald Aberle

Ronald Aberle, President

(September 20, 2019)


Civil No. 51-2019-CV-01397




American Bank Center,



Kenneth Malsom,





MONED And required to appear and

defend against the Complaint in this

action, a copy of which is herewith

served upon you by serving upon

the undersigned an Answer or other

proper response within twenty-one

(21) days after the service of this

Summons upon you, exclusive of

the day of service. If you fail to do

so, Judgment by Default will be tak-

en against you for the relief demand-

ed in the Complaint.

Dated this 3rd day of June, 2019.

/s/Richard P. Olson

Richard P. Olson (Bar ID: #03183)

Attorneys for American Bank Center

17 First Avenue SE

P. O. Box 1180

Minot, ND 58702-1180

(701) 839-1740


(September 13-20-27, 2019)


All land owners must have ditches

mowed to a minimum 4 inch stubble

height and a minimum 9 food mower

width between Sept. 15-Oct 1st,

2019. Sundre Township will contract

mowing for ditches not completed by

October 1, 2019 and expenses will

be levied as taxes against land own-


Cari Morey, Sundre Township Clerk

(September 13-14-16-17-18-19-20,



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