
Surrey crowned region 6 champs

Kari Gibb/MDN The Surrey Mustangs celebrate their win over the Velva/Drake-Anamoose Aggies for the Region 6 championship

The Surrey Mustangs made the most of things when it mattered and claimed the Region 6 baseball championship.

Surrey 3, Velva/Drake-Anamoose 2

The rematch on Tuesday, May 21, was just as hard fought as the previous game – it even had the same final score of 3-2 with the Mustangs winning again in dramatic fashion.

In the bottom of the seventh inning, with Velva/Drake-Anamoose at bat, the runner on second was the tie run, the one on first was the go-ahead run. With one out Patrick Effertz, the designated hitter for the Aggies, smacked a solid grounder towards second base. Marcus Hughes fielded the ball cleanly, tagged second base and made the throw to Porter Jung at first for the double play and secured the win.

The Mustangs were 3-for-20 in the tight game and had two errors as a team. Luke Wegner pitched seven innings and allowed two runs on five hits with an earned run tally of zero runs. He walked four batters and had seven strikeouts in the game.

The Aggies were 5-for-28 as a team with only one error. M Kraft pitched five innings and allowed three runs on three hits with an earned run mark of one run. C Kittleson pitched one inning in relief and had one strikeout while allowing no runs or hits.

Velva/Drake-Anamoose 10, Garrison 3

The Aggies posted the solid win over the Troopers and earned the right to face the Mustangs in a revenge match for the loss on Monday, May 20.


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