
Minotauros win Central Division Cup

BISMARCK – The Minot Minotauros went up 2-0 to start the Central Division Finals against the Bismarck Bobcats before hitting the road for the weekend. The Bobcats would not hand the cup over easily as they beat the Minotauros 4-3 in overtime Friday, May 10.

The Minotauros faced off Saturday, May 11, with a 2-1 lead in the best of three series. With the loss the night before, the Minotauros went to work early and claimed a 3-1 win, and brought the cup back to Minot.

Adam Mahler, Murray Marvin-Dordes and Trevor Stachowiak each had goals in game three while Joel Lehtinen, Jack O’Hanisain, Cayden Casey and Mahler had assists as well.

Brady James was in the net for the game and had 35 saves on the 39 shots attempted. Minot was outshot 39-36 in the game and each team had four penalties apiece.

In the deciding game four, Nicholas Sewecki, Stachowiak and John Small each scored goals in the win. Colby Woogk, O’Hanisain, Casey, Weston Knox and Ian Spencer had assists in the win. Lukas Swedin was in goal and had 27 saves on 28 shots. Minot outshot Bismarck 33-28 in the game. The Minotauros had eight penalties for 27 minutes of box time while the Bobcats had 11 for 33 minutes of penalty box time.

With the 3-1 victory, Minot hoisted the Central Division Cup for the second time in franchise history. With the win, the Minotauros secured a berth in the Robertson Cup Semi-Finals against the three seed Maryland Black Bears.

The best of three game series against Maryland starts Friday, May 17, at the Fogerty Ice Arena South, in Blaine, Minnesota.


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