
Minot High, Legacy vie for first place

Kari Gibb/MDN Minot High sophomore Kyllie Fettig.

Minot High scrambled to host the Western Dakota Association (WDA) Tennis Tournament due to the weather. The event moved from Hammond Park to the Cameron Indoor facility- tight quarters for so many teams and athletes.

The Majettes would take care of business in the first round with a 5-0 win over Bismarck High. In the semifinal match, Minot High would beat Bismarck Century 5-0 as well.

Bismarck Legacy would defeat Williston 5-0 in round one. In the semifinal round, Legacy and Mandan battled with the Patriots edging the Braves 3-2 in order to move into the final to face Minot High.

Other scores from the earlier rounds in the bracket are; Mandan 4, Bismarck St. Mary’s 1, Bismarck High 4, Dickinson 1 , Bismarck Century 3, Dickinson 2 and Williston vs Bismarck St. Mary’s unreported.

The WDA Tennis Tournament will continue Friday, May 24, and Saturday, May 25, with individual state qualifying brackets for the two days. The final match between Minot High and Bismarck Legacy did not begin until print time. For a full recap of each match and the pairings for the individual brackets and results from day one, read in the Saturday, May 25 edition of the Minot Daily News.


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