
Lehocky steps down as MSU women’s volleyball head coach

Just a week after accepting a contract reinstating her as head coach of the Minot State University women’s volleyball team, Alex Lehocky reversed course and resigned from the position citing what’s best for both personally and professionally. .

Assistant coach Alex Courtney will serve as an interim head coach while the school begins an immediate search for a replacement.

In an email sent out to student-athletes that was obtained by The Minot Daily News, acting Athletic Director and Vice President of Student Affairs Kevin Harmon wrote, “We wish Coach Lehocky the very best as she moves ahead with her next professional endeavors, and thank the MSU volleyball student-athletes, coach Courtney and our supporters for their patience through this process. We look forward to the next chapter of Beaver Volleyball at MSU.”

Lehocky was placed on administrative leave on Oct. 13, 2023. At the time, the Minot State declined to comment. However, an external investigation into then-athletic director Kevin Forde revealed allegations from players of inappropriate conduct by Lehocky, including mistreatment of players. The outside investigation also reported that she was told by Forde her treatment of players needed to improve.

Forde resigned from his position on Jan. 12, 2024.

The Minot Daily News will have more on this story as it develops.


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