
Girls’ wrestling Region 3 All-Conference Team announced

Submitted Photo Emma Buee of Des Lacs-Burlington/Lewis & Clark caps off a remarkable 2022-23 season by being named to the All-Conference Team and the Senior Athlete of the Year.

Following the completion of the girls’ wrestling state meet in Fargo, local athletes were named to the Region 3 Northwest Conference All-Conference Team and the Senior Athletes of the Year were announced.

In what was a successful 2022-23 season for many, the accolades continue to pile up as they reflect on another year under their belts, or those who have wrapped up their prep wrestling careers get one final accomplishment to celebrate.

A plethora of local athletes from around the area filled up the spots on the All-Conference Team, as they place themselves next to some of the best in their sport.

Here is the girls’ wrestling Region 3 Northwest Conference All-Conference Team:

105 – Avarie Jacobson (Rugby).

120 – Kashtyn Bredahl (Des Lacs-Burlington/Lewis & Clark).

125 – Violette Sola (Velva/Garrison/Max), Kaylie Clingman (MonDak).

130 – Kerrington Lee (Stanley).

135 – Leah Shepard (Rugby).

140 – Victoria Pasterz (Des Lacs-Burlington/Lewis & Clark).

145 – Alaina Burdett (Des Lacs-Burlington/Lewis & Clark).

155 – Aubrey Locken (Stanley).

170 – Emma Buee (Des Lacs-Burlington/Lewis & Clark).

190 – Leah Burdett (Des Lacs-Burlington/Lewis & Clark).

250 – Love Hopkins (White Shield).

Co-Senior Athletes of the Year – Emma Buee (Des Lacs-Burlington/Lewis & Clark), Kerrington Lee (Stanley).


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