
MHS falls at home to Century 34-30

Ryan goes 2-0 in triangular

Robert Brewer/MDN At 113 pounds, Minot’s Kade Marker (right) earns a first period pin during the Magicians home dual against Bismarck Century on Thursday night.

On Thursday night, the Minot Magicians competed against Bismarck Century in their first home meet of season. As it turned out, Minot came up just short as they suffered a 34-30 loss at the hands of the visiting Patriots.

Minot fell behind early as Century recorded two consecutive pins to start the match. Trailing 12-0, Kadyn Turnbow turned things around for the Magi in the 285-pound division. He got off to a very strong start against Century’s Evan Schmit and built a 5-0 lead at the end of the first period.

Then in the second, Turnbow notched a 1-point escape against a visibly fatigued Schmit to go up 6-0. Shortly after that, Turnbow took advantage of Schmit and recorded a two-point takedown, followed by a pin to conclude the match. At 113 pounds, Minot’s Kade Marker recorded the second pin of the night for the Magi in the first period of his match as the Magicians trailed 18-12 at that point.

Minot lost two of the next three matches and found itself down 24-15 before Danny Fernandez won an 8-6 decision over Century’s Brody Ferderer at 138. Trailing 24-18, Victor Garcia’s pin of Blake Ersland in the closing seconds of the first period pumped up the Minot home crowd as the Magi evened things up at 24-24.

Bismarck regained the lead with a fall in the next match, but Minot’s Deandre Maldonado cut Century’s six-point advantage in half following his hard-fought 13-9 decision win over Jax Gums at 160. With two matches to go in the meet and trailing 30-27, Minot’s DeJarius Jones (182) lost by way of major decision to Ole Taylor which clinched the victory for Century. Next up on the schedule, Minot plans to travel to Carrington for a two-day tournament on Friday and Saturday.

In other local wrestling news Thursday, the Bishop Ryan Lions hosted a triangular meet and won both matches. The Lions defeated Northern Lights by a final score of 49-30, and also topped Rugby by a wider margin 45-12. Like Minot, Bishop Ryan also plans to compete in the Carrington tournament on Friday and Saturday.


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