
Minotauros have six-game winning streak snapped

ABERDEEN, S.D. — The Minot Minotauros had a chance to clinch an NAHL postseason berth Saturday, but that will have to wait at least one more game.

Aberdeen scored two goals in the first period and two in the third en route to taking down Minot 4-3 in Aberdeen, S.D.

The loss halts the Tauros’ six-game win streak. After falling behind 2-0 after the first period, Minot’s Fritz Belisle scored the first goal of the night for the Tauros in the second, thanks to an assist from Keenan Lund. The Wings took back a two-goal lead in the third period after Joe Strada’s 14th goal of the year, then Minot’s Austin Koss answered to make it a 3-2 game (Minot native Colby Enns had an assist on the play). Minot took a costly penalty with slightly more than 3 minutes remaining in the game, allowing the Wings to score their fourth and final goal of the night.

Ondrej Pavel scored a power play goal for the Minotauros with 32 seconds left, but it was too little, too late.

Minot outshot the Wings 32-30, while Tauros goaltender Nick Grabko saved 26 of 30 shots.

The Minotauros are back in action in a road game against the Minnesota Wilderness on Friday. A win would give Minot its sixth straight postseason appearance, the longest such streak in the NAHL Central Division.


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