
MHS wrestling rebounds

Minot High overthrows Mandan in dual, 49-21

Ashton Gerard/MDN Minot sophomore Corey Hooker II, top, goes for the cradle pin against Mandan's Trevin Yeoman, Thursday in a dual at Minot High.

Coming off of a loss to Bismarck High, the Minot High wrestlers were back with a vengeance Thursday as they faced Mandan at home. The Magi rose victorious, 49-21, collecting a total of five pins on the night.

The 132-pounders started the night with a match between Minot’s Brody Armstrong and Mandan’s Ethan Fleck. Armstrong was able to land some good takedowns on Fleck but wasn’t able to bring it home. The match ended with a 7-4 decision. Fleck was even able to land a takedown on Armstrong and was something Mandan head coach Luke Mellmer was happy to see.

“Ethan Fleck, he got a takedown on the number one guy in the state and hasn’t taken him down yet this year, so we keep getting closer to him,” he said.

Another close call happened between Minot’s Hunter Swartwout and Mandan’s Adam Boehm in the 220-pound weight class. Swartwout came out strong with three takedowns in a row on Boehm, but fell short in the latter half of the match.

“I think we’ve got a couple of kids with some nerves,” Minot High head assistant coach Michael Stein said, “The kid Swartwout was wrestling is ranked right behind him in the state so we knew it was an important match.”

Ashton Gerard/MDN Minot High sophomore Trevon McClanahan, left, fights for control with Mandan's Seth Berg, Thursday at Magic City Campus.

Stein said Swartwout does have some injuries he’s working through right now, but on Thursday he said the nerves really got to Swartwout and some other kids on the team.

Two wrestlers Stein was really impressed by for the Magi were “The Jacobs,” which are Jacob Mortensen and Jacob Carmichael.

Mortensen has been battling injuries this year and so far has only been used for duals. Stein appreciates that Mortensen is flexible and can wrestle up and get the wins where Minot really needs them.

Tonight, Mortensen wrestled Mandan’s Dylan Fleck, who on paper is listed at 160-pounds, while Mortensen is listed at 152.

Mortensen was able to dominate the match, as Fleck only got one point off an escape, and earned the major decision win for the team at a final of 10-1.

“Jacob Carmichael, he’s a younger kid, a sophomore, that got kind of thrust into the starting role this year when we had some injuries with our seniors and he’s stepping up,” Stein said. “He looked a little out of shape tonight, but I think it was just the nerves of knowing he’s on the big stage in a match he probably wasn’t supposed to win on paper.”

Carmichael took on Mandan’s Isaac Watson, and after four takedowns and a nearfall, was able to get a major decision win out of the match in a final score of 11-3.

Mandan took home three wins, two of which came from pins. Isaac Berger at 160 pinned Minot’s Michael Gleason at 1:49.

Their second pin came from Jacob Boehm at 195-pounds over Minot’s Preston Jones.

At 145, Konner Nelson took down Minot’s Triston Walsh in a close decision, 7-5. They were tied 5-5 towards the end of the third round, but Nelson was able to land a crucial takedown with seconds remaining in the match to take home the decision.

Minot High’s pin winners include Kelby Armstrong at 106, Samuel Goodman at 113, Corey Hooker at 120, Chase Burke at 126 and Elijah Huff at 285.

“Minot’s a tough team,” Mellmer said. “We respect Minot for putting together a dang good program and it’s always fun coming up here and battling them.”

Minot returns to the mat today as they head to a tournament in Fargo.


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