
Letters to the Editor

Raising concern for American democracy

Ron Schmidt, Tolna Been an atheist for a long time. Fall off the wagon now and then. Bad times get desperate. No atheists in a foxhole. Not sure who I should pray to, God or Jesus? Never seems to make any difference. Same result. Surprise. Surprise. These are the days, my friends. Afraid ...

Hostfest belongs to all of us

Jessica Ackerman, Minot We are just days away from the 44th Norsk Hostfest! I encourage you to come to the ND State Fairgrounds Sept. 27-30 to enjoy the festival, strike up conversations with your fellow festival goers, learn something new, and be inspired. As board president this ...

Veterans must stand against Tuberville

Bill Amerman, Forman Who the heck is this self-proclaimed King of the Military, Sen. Tuberville. A single idiot blocking the promotions of over 300 positions in the Military, 3 of which are the top positions of the Army, Marines, and Navy. Apparently, because of some crazy rule, the Senate ...

End unfair property taxes

Steven Moen, Minot Looking at “Ending Unfair Property Tax” historically we find that these very same taxes along with others were what sparked the Revolutionary War back in 1775. We celebrate this great fight for liberty each year on July 4th but I wonder should people, who are ...

Climate crisis policy is fad, lacks basis

Patricia Marquard Minot What I have always known to be true is finally getting some recognition by scientists. The Climate Crisis idea has been grasped by many. I don’t know why because I have lived long enough to know that this year’s catastrophes and weather has happened before. I ...

Principles, values unite us

Sandra Sanford, NDGOP Chair, Bismarck On my way to the RNC summer meeting and Presidential debate in Milwaukee via Dallas made for a long day and gave me some time for reflection. It struck me how we can find ourselves in the most unlikely places. This can be said about my new position as ...