
Ending property taxes would help struggling residents

Connie Samuelson, Minot

What is our breaking point? Many ND residents are struggling financially. We hear daily about associations, foundations and organizations assisting in gathering essentials during these inflationary times. For years, school supply drives have helped parents prepare their children for school. The Backpack Program offers families with free groceries over weekends and school breaks. A growing number of students qualify for free and reduced meals. Several schools now have pantries where students can get food, school supplies, personal hygiene and clothing.

Because inflation impacts everyone, in June two entities held a Senior Essentials Drive for our seniors on tight budgets in providing them with personal hygiene products.

The revised Homestead Tax Credit for residents making under $40,000 and up to $70,000 gives property tax reductions of 100% and 50% respectively. This “relief” comes with requirements along with 10 limitations on income sources thereby restricting any opportunity to improve their lifestyle.

The Disabled Veterans Credit has 6 pages of Guidelines, numerous eligibility requirements, a rating system on the percentage of the disability and requires an application with an annual deadline.

Forty percent of property in ND is rented. NDHSP offers assistance on rent and the LIHEAP has a very extensive application process to apply for energy assistance for those in lower income levels.

We can agree that these are all generous efforts and appreciated by the recipients. My struggle comes knowing that our Legislature had increased their spending from $4B to $19.6B since 2012 when they promised all ND residents true property tax reform. Last session, with $2 billion in excess revenue, they offered a paltry 2 year Primary Residents’ Tax Credit of $500, which came with restrictions and disqualifies homes in trusts.

Our system is broken. The way to fix it is to end ever increasing monetary restrictions caused by property taxes. It is time to assist families in need and those who deserve a break in a dignifying manner. Eliminating the property tax burden for all ND residents would allow parents to provide for their children, allow elderly to afford their personal essentials, allow families to own their homes and allow Veterans the opportunity to get benefits without having to jump through hoops.

Our dependency on oil would also decrease because of the economic boom our state will experience. Vote Yes on Measure 4 to end unfair property tax in ND.

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