
Look for ways to reduce plastic use

Kathy Martin, Valley City

This month is Plastics-Free July, an event initiated in western Australia in 2011. The aim is to find creative and effective ways to drastically cut back our dependence on plastic.

As we prepare to vote for local, state and federal offices in November we need to suggest ideas that candidates can pursue to curb plastic pollution.

Locally, we can urge merchants to substantially reduce plastic carry-out bags and ask their shoppers to come with reusable bags or boxes. Ask libraries to promote materials encouraging ideas to cut plastic waste. Find alternatives to plastic poop bags for your pets. Bring reusable straws to restaurants and refuse plastic straws. Buy clothing made of organic material, not polyester, rayon or nylon.

According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, plastic is being found as far as the Arctic, in deep seabeds, and even in 94 percent of our drinking water in the United States. Microplastics are being found in humans and animals.

In a historic move in 2022, the 175-nation United Nations Environmental Assembly, including the U.S., adopted a global treaty for plastic pollution–agreeing on an accelerated timeline so the treaty could be implemented as soon as 2025. The final meeting will be held in November in South Korea.

We can all do something. When attending political forums, ask all the candidates what they support regarding the plastics problem and the climate crisis. And make sure to vote in November!


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