
Handling of public money needs accountability

Leon Mallberg


There’s a claim that we have a two-tiered legal system, one for the elites, ruling class and some politicians and another for the rest of us. Lo and behold, this can be said of North Dakota.

In Richland County the Water Board Secretary had a warrant out for her arrest for misusing public money. The warrant was for misusing up to $10,000 dollars. There is an appropriate word for that – CRIMINAL.

To the west in Sargent County, the Water Board completed a $4,500,000, 4.5 mile “Drain # 11” Improvement Project. The North Dakota Supreme Court on December 15, 2023, unanimously decided the project was ILLEGAL. (North Dakota Supreme Court No. 20220357) The Water Board was told repeatedly by affected landowners the project DID NOT comply with State Law. The Water Board proceeded anyway.

To date nothing is being done to hold the Water Board accountable for spending millions on an illegal project. Is the word “CRIMINAL” used? Absolutely not! We hear from the elites and ruling class that this had to be “well intended” because it was done by a “Public Board” who has “honorable intentions.”

You also hear a hushed “It’s only taxpayer money” and “It needed to be spent.” Of the $4.5 million, $1.2 million was STATE taxpayer dollars. The balance was Revenue Bonds for landowners to repay. Established monetary benefits to landowners and the State, as required by law, NONE!

The point – if you misuse public dollars, make sure it’s in the millions. You are immune from accountability and consequences and still maintain your “Public” position!

P.S. “If a businessman makes a mistake he suffers the consequences. If a bureaucrat makes a mistake, you suffer the consequences.” – Ayn Rand

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