
Eliminating property tax is best option

Steven Moen, Minot

I want to commend James Maxson for his letter about eliminating property tax. He did a great job in asking questions that have already been answered and giving a bunch of misinformation.

That said, property tax is not the primary source of revenue for counties, cities or school boards. The state and other taxes that are already in place are. Minot’s city budget only gets 15% from property tax, Ward County gets 30-40%, schools get only 20-30% from property tax. Therefore it is ridiculous to think that by eliminating property tax all the above mentions wouldn’t be able to function, especially as the state will be required by the Constitution to fill the buckets that are currently filled by property tax.

According to Gov. Burgum and State Legislators the state has huge surpluses of revenues. Senator Judy Estenson stated that we have $2 billion sitting in Bismarck waiting to be spent. This would cover property tax for 2 years. Why not give it back to the taxpayers by eliminating unfair property tax.

Some people I run into say we need to clean up the property tax language, make it fair, but think we should keep it. They have no idea how corrupt, skewed and discriminatory this tax is and how it would affect the farmers. Farmers would be looking at a 5-10X increase in their land taxes not counting the tax on their buildings that they currently don’t pay. This would be the outcome of making it fair. It would be a whole lot better to just eliminate property tax rather than even trying to straighten it out as we don’t need it anymore.

I hope all who read this are enjoying their Christmas gift from the Grinch, “pay me or lose your property.” In the season of giving the Grinch is taking. Check it out with End Unfair Property Tax and remember Jesus is the real reason for the season.


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