
Remembering who we are

Steven Moen


I haven’t forgotten who we are! We are a Constitutional Republic not a democracy as Mr. Wolsky stated. Our founders had no use for democracies. They wanted a nation governed by laws not just majority rules as that leads to situations of 3 men and 2 women voting which woman gets raped first and by whom.

Sure, France helped us during the Revolutionary War but the reason was to avenge their humiliating defeat they suffered at the hands of England for their victory in the Seven Years War, in which they got chased out of the New World. The debt they piled up during this war and the money spent to help us led to the collapse of France and their own revolution, in which the aristocracy was overthrown and murdered. Since that time France has endured 16 constitution changes while we are on our original one.

To state that Ukraine is a democracy is a joke. Ukraine is ruled by a corrupt oligarchy to which Obama helped Zelensky become President and as such he has been murdering and jailing all his political opponents. The only reason we are supporting this thug is because he pays Biden for the support. Sadly,under Obama and Biden, our country is getting to be as corrupt as Ukraine. We need to quit spending money we don’t have to support these crime families, both here and abroad.

We didn’t heed the lessons learned from the weak leadership of Neville Chamberlain. We put his clone in the White House.

We are beginning to reap what we have sown – war in Europe, war in Israel, threats from China, threats from North Korea, threats from Hamas, threats from Iran, runaway debt, runaway inflation, a weakened military and we are vulnerable to Hamas-style terrorist attacks, due to a wide open border, here in our homeland.

The Bible says this stuff could be signaling the end times that leads up to the return of Christ. Are you ready to meet Him face to face when He comes or you die or have you forgotten who He is? That is way more important than remembering who we are from inaccurate and incomplete information!


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