
Statistics, polls create liars

Ron Schmidt, Tolna

Lies, damn lies and statistics. Mark Twain, HL Mencken and George Orwell, where are you now when we need you. Numbers, numbers, numbers.

7-12-23. More numbers. CNN: according to a poll, 61% of Americans support abortion in most or all instances. Really! The same statistic cited as a fact for two different criteria. My understanding of the term “all” means without exception. “Most” does not mean without exception. With reservations, I’ll grant that 50+ qualifies as most.

As a single, old man, I’ve never found babies to be a blessing. They are noisy. They stink, are a pain and someday grow up to be adults, which considering the human condition, is even worse.

Without a pole to support my position, I’ll concede that most Americans support (accept) – even this may be considered two different criteria – legal abortion at the 4-5 month gestational stage. They do not support it at 8+ months. I find this duplicity in making a premise increasingly common. A generalization. To be specific. It’s not a question of both. Rather, it’s one of either/or. Abstractions, the death of the civil being.


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