
State can’t keep out Satan

Rev. Brock Schmeling, Barney

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled that it was impermissible for a school district to ban “After School Satan Clubs” in a school In Pennsylvania.

This is a wake up call all parents must pay attention to. While the Satanic Temple claims that they have no interest in having children worship the Prince of Darkness, the gig is up in their name.

The words of Jesus are offensive to Satanists because they emphasize loving neighbor instead of loving self. Satanists support abortion on demand and treat it like a sacrament. Satanists support same-sex marriage and any deviation from marriage as a life-long union of husband and wife. Satanists support the transgender ideology full-throatedly. They understand what the Devil delights in: murder, fornication, adultery, lying.

Any church which follows the lead of the Satanic Temple by supporting abortion, same-sex marriage, fornication, transgenderism, and all other acts that put the desires and lusts of adults over the welfare of children, do not follow the Lord they claim. We must be vigilant as parents to examine what is taught in our schools. Both in the classroom but also after school.

Children need to be taught about Jesus Christ as revealed in the Holy Bible. It is demonic to invite Satan into our schools, but for the Satanic Temple that is the point. We as a society need the Church of Christ to exorcize our demons. This is done in every baptism at every Christian Church. A society that can’t say no to After School Satanist Clubs needs Jesus.

Find a church that teaches the pure doctrine about Jesus. If you don’t have a church home, visit a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. You and your children need Jesus.


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