
We have only ourselves to blame

James Maxson, Minot

Dissatisfaction with our elected officials in Washington appears to be as high as it has ever been in my lifetime. There is no shortage of blame being thrown around. The left blames the right. The right blames the left. Conservatives blame MSNBC. Liberals blame Fox News. Tucker Carlson is the spokesman for white people? Al Sharpton is the spokesman for black people? Members of Congress are on TV insulting each other rather than quietly negotiating in private.

I have a theory as to where the ultimate blame lands. It is with who disgraced, but intelligent, former President Richard Nixon once labeled, “The Silent Majority.” As of late, the majority of Americans have been too silent. The loudest voices have done a good job of taking over both major political parties. Do we really want Mitchell McConnell to be our spiritual advisor? Do we really want Bernie Sanders to be our economic advisor? It is no surprise that most people in their right minds are reluctant to get involved in politics. Is it any wonder that as a result more politicians who are not a reflection of what America could be? While the competent stay home and don’t get involved, the door opens for the incompetent to rule. Is that the formula we use when choosing our doctor, our dentist, our lawyer, our mechanic, not to mention our friends? Do we choose dumb and loud over results?Unless the serious and silent majority decide to take back the political parties, why should we not expect more of the same embarrassing chaos?’

The Silent Majority built this country. How can the same persons silently let the system be run by problem creators rather than problem solvers? China, Russia and Iran are laughing at us. The silent are playing right into our enemies’ hands by while the loud are more interested in noise than results. Silence didn’t free the slaves. Silence didn’t win World War II. The average American is better than those who represent them. We have only ourselves to blame. Must America hit the bottom of the barrel before the silent majority gets more involved, or do not know the bottom when we see it? Both Democrats and Republicans need to take back their parties. If not them, who? If not now, when? Without reasonable people being involved, how can we expect reasonable government?


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