
Minot is headed toward change

Now that the election is over, I want to take this opportunity to thank everybody that voted for me. I am very humbled and grateful for all that supported me. Tim and Shaun were very gracious and kind to me through this whole process. Now that being said, I want the citizens of Minot to know something. When a person runs for public office you sure learn a lot. I always say it’s who you know and who you do other things with.

In the next few years the city of Minot is going to see a lot of changes that you WILL NOT like. I can almost guarantee that the parking downtown will stop, the aldermen and the mayor will either put parking meters in or do away with downtown parking all together. The reason? They want us all to use that worthless parking ramp downtown. It’s leaking and cracking. We have to maintain that and our children’s children has to maintain that colossal waste of space.

Our taxes WILL be going up. At least 2%. Just watch, they can say no now, but within 2 years they will be up, up, up.

Another thing the citizens should be aware of is there are too many inspectors getting paid for the city. WE DO NOT need 6 electrical inspectors and 6 plumbing inspectors. I have the budget in my car if anybody wants to see it. Each one of them gets paid to drive around and “INSPECT.” We aren’t building that much anymore, we don’t need all these people on the payroll. That would save money right there.

All these trucks driving around I wonder what they are doing?

The citizens complained all the time to me when I was running for office. How the city employees just sit around a hole and 5 guys are talking on their phones and one in the hole. There are so many things wrong with this city. It’s just not Minot, don’t get me wrong, it’s in every city in America. One person can’t fix everything. We need to speak up, we need to get involved and we need to make a difference.

If things are changing in the city of Minot, the people that didn’t vote shouldn’t complain. We had a better turnout this time for all the people that ran, but out of 23,000 people eligible to vote, around 16% turned out to vote. How sad.

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